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2001 R.S.P-W Awards | Best Wrestler |
Awards |
Award Description: To be given to the athlete who was the best overall wrestler of the year. This includes all facets of wrestling: workrate, technical ability, interviews, charisma, value to his/her promotion, etc. In 1994, this award was split into three: North American, Non-North American, and overall. In 1998, it was recombined into one. Previous Winners: 1990: Curt Hennig 1991: Ric Flair 1992: Ric Flair 1993: Big Van Vader 1994: Bret Hart 1994: (NA) Sabu 1994: (non-NA) Chris Benoit 1995: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels 1995: (non-NA) Chris Benoit 1996: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels 1996: (non-NA) Jushin Liger 1997: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels 1997: (non-NA) Taka Michinoku 1998: Stone Cold Steve Austin 1999: Chris Benoit 2000: Triple H **2001**: Stone Cold Steve Austin 302 first place votes 299 second place votes 299 third place votes 133 49 31 874 Steve Austin 78 99 33 753 Kurt Angle 20 32 54 304 Chris Benoit 25 20 30 245 Triple H 7 15 18 116 Chris Jericho 2 16 24 106 Rock 7 8 22 103 Rob van Dam 10 11 5 93 Keiji Muto 0 8 10 44 Booker T 1 6 9 41 Tajiri 1 3 5 24 Yuji Nagata 0 3 6 21 Lance Storm 1 3 3 20 Toshiaki Kawada 1 1 5 18 Edge 2 1 2 17 Momoe Nakanishi 0 4 2 16 Christian 0 2 5 16 Rhyno 1 1 3 14 Minoru Tanaka 2 1 0 13 Jushin Liger 2 0 1 12 Lexie Fyfe 2 0 1 12 Jun Akiyama 2 0 0 10 Super Dragon 0 0 5 10 Low Ki 0 1 3 9 El Hijo del Santo 1 1 0 8 Hayabusa 0 0 4 8 American Dragon 1 0 1 7 Scott Steiner 0 2 0 6 Brandi Alexander 1 0 0 5 Tetsuhiro Kuroda 1 0 0 5 Mikey Whipwreck 1 0 0 5 Kaoru Ito 0 1 1 5 Riot 0 1 1 5 Meiko Satomura 0 1 1 5 CIMA 0 1 1 5 Beckie the Farmer's Daughter 0 0 2 4 Undertaker 0 1 0 3 Sean O'Haire 0 1 0 3 Matt Hardy 0 1 0 3 Masato Tanaka 0 1 0 3 Magnum Tokyo 0 1 0 3 Kid Kash 0 1 0 3 El Satanico 0 1 0 3 Eddie Guerrero 0 1 0 3 Dr. Wagner Jr. 0 0 1 2 Val Venis 0 0 1 2 Steve Corino 0 0 1 2 Noki-A 0 0 1 2 Mr. Gannosuke 0 0 1 2 Michael Modest 0 0 1 2 Kanyon 0 0 1 2 Kane 0 0 1 2 Jeff Hardy 0 0 1 2 Esse Rios 0 0 1 2 El Samurai 0 0 1 2 Bam Bam Bigelow MICHAELANGELO MCCULLAR: This was a tough choice. But, ultimately, I had to give the nod to Angle due to Benoit and HHH's injuries. RYAN HALL: Austin, HHH, Angle. Austin has been consistently the most interesting part of TV and PPV EDDIE BURKETT: Frankly, Austin has been phenomenal in these last few months. Angle has stepped up his game, and HHH was great before he got hurt. The Rock has been also been good this year, but not as good as last year, and in a different mood, these last three guys could easily be re-ordered to knock someone else out of getting my vote. JESSE HARALDSON: Steve Austin took a heel turn the fans did not want to accept and forced them to hate him. I don't know of anybody who was as intensely popular as Steve Austin who could do that, especially one B. Goldberg. No that is too obvious, how about Bill G. NATE GURNETT: Austin's paranoid heel has made the WWF watchable this year. He's more or less carried the promotion since April (No Rock, no H, not even Benoit). Angle had a good year, if his face turn were better booked, he might have been #1. Multiple title reigns plus good work in the ring plus some great skits (and some lousy ones) adds up to 2. Jericho was thrown in for being there all year, whereas Booker T, my alternate choice for 3 spot, had about 4 months off. Eh. VIKRAM BIRRING: Steve Austin transformed himself from a mindless brawler losing credibility into an old school heel. His heel turn is fresh, and Austin makes the crowd laugh, then turns around and destroys someone. He is the best heel since Ric Flair. STEPHEN TISZENKEL: Let's hear it for Stone Cold Steve Austin. Say what you want about whether or not his heel turn was good for business -- it probably wasn't -- the guy managed to do what others like Goldberg couldn't: He took his phenomenal popularity and turned it into genuine contempt from the fans. After years of doing the same act and doing it well, he completely reinvented himself and made himself more entertaining in the process. He had a hell of a year, and he deserves this award. KHENYIAN CHEUNG: Stone Cold Steve Austin. What can you say? The heel turn worked and the chicanery and humor he injected to programming helped quite a bit, as he's moved away from the regular "who cares" face wrestler to a bad ass heel. DEAN RASMUSSEN: Jushin Liger was awesome this year. Consistently great anchoring the madly resurgent New Japan Junior division and especially mentoring the promising slew of rookies, Lyger was on the top of the game for a longer period of time than Kawada, Santo or the injured Benoit. Meiko Satomura was consistently great this year, delivering the ass-stomp when in with TRUE queens of ass-stomp Aja and Akira Hokuto. Low-Ki had a phenomenal year, having mind-blowingly stiff matches one day and being king rudo in a high-flying affair in the next, then being the Ricky Morton of the '01 in a Southern tag the next day. CHIP BOOTS: No one has been better than Steve Austin this year. MARKUS: I miss Benoit. GREG NECASTRO: Kurt Angle had an exceptional year and is a rare example of a cross-over athlete. SCOTT WORDEN: Kurt Angle is the best wrestler out there.. Benoit is right behind and if that injury did not happen, may have been number 1 again.. The Tajiri mark in me gives a 3rd place vote.. :) CHRIS BIRD: Steve Austin is head and heels above the rest this year, with tons of fantastic matches and a killer heel character that was the sole saving grace of the Invasion. (What? The Invasion. What?) Kurt Angle is clearly deserving of second, with a nearly as strong run and, surprisingly, a strong (if short) face run. After him, there's a crop of guys who are all in the same level: Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Rock, HHH, and Booker. And all of them can make arguments to be in the top three. I'm going with Jericho based on the most consistence and longest consecutive time spent wrestling, as all the others took breaks for injuries and/or contract problems this year. SEAN FLYNN: This was Austin's year. He put on some amazing matches with Benoit, Angle, Helmsley, and anyone else not named Undertaker or Kane. His character as a heel was one of the shining lights of the year, as his interviews seemed beamed down from another planet they were so funny and bizarre. One day people will look back on heel Austin as the template for the heel of the future. He was the undeniable top guy for the WWF, and did all he could to keep them afloat without Rock and HHH. Angle had a major year where he became a solid main eventer, and his match with Shane at KOTR was a brutal classic. Benoit was on an amazing roll until he got injured, had he stayed healthy, he likely would have gotten the top spot. CANZ: Steve Austin carried the WWF on a broken back and weakened spine and bad knees. He is the man. SHOCKER 2K: Angle made himself the hands-down best man in the WWF in his sophomore run. Just absolutely amazing. DONNY L: Steve Austin came back and is without a doubt wrestler of the year, his compenation of ringwork and interview is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. PETER HAZLETT: Rock has shown ability to wrestle all types of matches and kept the WWF afloat while HHH was out SIMON GRIER: In my opinion, five wrestlers stand out over all others in terms of overall ability, but are on a roughly equal footing with each other. Kurt Angle, Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin are all excellent in the ring and on the mic. The Rock is slightly less adept in the ring than those, but better on the mic, while the exact opposite is true of Benoit. My vote therefore goes to the only one of the five who wrestled week in, week out all year - Angle. Austin comes second as the WWF based their whole product around him and he came up big, while Rock is third because of his sheer importance to the company. ESTRAGAND: Angle worked every match, every role and every character required of him. Consistent, entertaining and stayed relatively healthy in 2001. MICHAEL STAKELY: Wait... what's wrestling again? That's that two or three minutes when they get in the ring and don't talk or sing, right? Do they even do that anymore? EDC: Kawada get the number one spot thanks to not being dumbed down by his own promoter...Angle FLurished in the WWF and is quickly becoming the go to guy in the fed with the absense of Benoit and HHH. Hopfully if the promotional split goes through, He'll land in the Workrate half... Muto, on his last legs, earned his spot on shear guts and determination. JOHN C.: Steve Austin had one of the greatest years ever in 2001. He had top matches with everybody from Rock to HHH to Benoit to Angle on TV and on PPVs. His mic work was top notch as usual and his heel character made him the most intriguing character in wrestling. I'll refrain from saying "What?" since I'm sure everybody else is doing it now. It's all because of the best wrestler for the past twelve months, Steve Austin. Even though there was no question as to who was the best, there was a question regarding the runners up. In the end, Angle and Benoit round out the top three just ahead of The Rock and Triple H. CHRIS GRIMM: It's a tossup for wrestler of the year between Steve Austin and Kurt Angle. Austin returned to top form in the ring, and is more entertaining than he's been since he was hiding in Bret Hart's ambulance and breaking into Brian Pillman's house. Kurt Angle continued on the awesome year he had last year, holding onto the WWF title a lot longer than anyone expected and managing to pick it up again later in the year (albeit for, what, about a week?). He also got a hell of a lot more over as a face than I ever thought possible. I mean, in the age of "Attitude", did you think a face would *ever* be able to lead the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance (which he did before September 11). I gave the edge to Angle, mostly due to Austin's long period of inactivity during the summer, and the simple fact that, up until Austin's heel turn at Wrestlemania, the character was almost a characiture of his former self, and really, really, really sucked. Balance out the category with Chris Jericho, who the lesser half of the "Canadian Chrises", I'll grant you, but was active the entire year and finally got his world title. (And held onto it for, what, about as long as Angle?) SCOTT CHRIST: Austin dominated the year. His improvement in the ring after his sub-par post-injury performances in late 2000 was remarkable. Not only that, but from an entertainment standpoint, he kicked the crap out of, well, everyone else. What? JOE GENTILE: The man has a neck injury that would cripple anyone else. Not only does he come back, not only does he single-handedly grab the reigns of a federation so desperately in need of a spark, but he takes superplexes, and other bumps that would expose the Undertakes as the fraud that he is! Ladies and gentlemen, that is why Steve Austin is your wrestler of the year. Kurt Angle gets second for his overall flexibility and talent. The same guy who was wrestling classic matches with Chris Benoit altered his style to put on one of the most brutal harcore matches EVER with Shane-O-Mac. RVD gets number three for making the incredible impact that no one thought he could. BLAZEJ SZPAKOWICZ: Steve Austin has been the focal point of nearly every main event angle of the year, has consistently been wrestling fine matches (including, *gasp*, technical matches too. Shame he can't do that more often :P), and delivering great promos. With Rock, Triple H and Benoit all out for long periods, he's been carrying the WWF on his back for most of the year (even when *he* was injured), and is clearly the wrestler of the year. Kurt Angle had three World's title reigns this year, and has consistently worked good matches year long. If he hadn't completely flopped as a babyface he might have gotten number 1. Rock should probably be third, but I can't stand him, so he ain't. Yes, I'm biased. Bite me. Instead, I'm giving it to Chris Jericho, who's worked a number of good matches, won his first World's title, and is one of the best in the world when properly motivated. He was also by far the fed's top face whilst Rock was out making movies. And he beat Rock, too. CHRIS LENING: Steve Austin was entertaining almost every single time he was on TV, and as great as he was talking, he was even better wrestling, telling a story over a time period that is gargantuan by modern standards. Keiji Mutoh put on a whole bunch of really good matches in the time period, which all interested me enough to get more and more of his stuff, inevitably becoming interested in many of his fellow workers, to which I owe him bunches. Kurt Angle is always fun for me to watch, even when he's fighting someone I don't normally care for. MATTY TONKIN: Austin was overall most entertaining, in the ring & on the mic. The Rock didnt skip a beat on returning & deservedly took his place back at the top of the roster. JEREMY SORIA: Stone Cold Steve Austin might literally be on his last legs, but he has proved in his matches with Benoit and Angle that he still has a healthy amount of athleticism in him. And no matter what you think of his gimmick, he is simply charming at times. Benoit and Angle are the two major athletes in the WWF, and they take their roles as wrestlers very, very seriously. SHANE SPEAR: Steve Austin is always in the main-event it seems. Whether he is a babyface or a heel, Austin always gets a reaction from the crowd. He held the WWF title twice this year, and has held the title longer than anybody else. Kurt Angle was one of only three wrestlers to hold onto the WWF title this year. He also picked up the WCW World title, the WWF Hardcore title, and the WCW US title. Booker has been a three time WCW champion this year. He has also been the WCW US champ, and a WCW tag champ, making him the first person since Scott Steiner to do that. Also, he was the number one face in the old WCW, and the number one heel in the new WCW until Austin came over. CHRIS McMURTRY: Mutoh not only carried a near dead company to a watchable year and another 12 months of existence, but he carried wrestlers that might as well be dead (Steve Williams) to decent matches throughout 2001. He started off kind of slow, but once he got on his game, there was no one better in 2001 than Keiji Mutoh. That said, if anyone is close, it's Steve Austin. Though, as a drawing card, heel Austin can't exactly be called a success, in terms of quality matches with a range of opponents and entertaining out of the ring bits, Stone Cold as a heel was tremendous. When he first came back from the neck injury, he looked quite out of place, but he's silenced his critics with maybe his best year yet. And what can be said about Angle that already hasn't been? The man's incredible. Though it's tough to say now, at this rate, I don't think it's unrealtistic to think that he'll go down as one of the greatest ever, if not the greatest. ROB HUNTER: Tough call for wrestler of the year. In terms of workrate, you've got to go with Kawada. He has carried the weight of the world on his shoulders and has managed to drag ***+ matches out of workers than anybody else this year. However, All Japan's pitiful booking kept him away from the important matches he could have been having. On the other hand, Keiji Muto has had a hell of a comeback, and, quite frankly, has had more to work with a lot of the time than Kawada. He also doesn't wrestle as frequently as Kawada, making each singles match he has "special." Yuji Nagata had a breakout year, coming from behind to win the G-1 Climax Tournament. Had he captured the IWGP Heavyweight Title from Fujita, he'd be a shoe-in for first place. As it stands, Muto is first, Nagata is second, and Kawada is third. WILL SCHLICKENMAIER: Steve Austin carried the WWF pillar to post. No question he wins. Chris Benoit is the best wrestler in the WWF, and AmDrag is the best wrestler in the indies. They both make their opponents look better... in fact, all three of these men do. Next? JUSTIN SHAPIRO: Rock and Chris Benoit both had lengthy absences, but I guess I picked Rock because he's with us right now. MATT SPAULDING: What a year for Stone Cold Steve Austin. After a slow start to his comeback from yet another neck injury, he starts having killer matches, pulls off a heel turn by completely reinventing his character, and keeps on having killer matches. Kurt Angle just kept getting better, even getting over as a face for a few months. Benoit gets my third-place vote over Jericho since Benoit's overall work was more consistent until he got hurt, and Jericho didn't turn it up until after Summerslam. SHAWN MULLIN: What a story Steve Austin has been this year. When he first came back, it seeemed like maybe he had lost a step. However, after the match he worked with Benoit on RAW in December, it's been one hell of a ride. Austin probably had his best year overall in the ring wrestling match of the year candidates with Angle on RAW, HHH at NWO, Rock and WrestleMania, in a tag against Benoit and Jericho on RAW, a title match with Benoit on Smackdown, a triple threat with Benoit and Jericho at King of the Ring, and a couple more matches with Angle at SummerSlam and Unforgiven. Nobody approaches that kind of performance. On top of that, he was part of the highest grossing show of all time, and he's been probably the most consistently entertaining performer on the microphone. People will probably always look at the heel turn as a failure, but I'll look back fondly on it because of the entertainment it provided and the spark it gave him. Angle also had a breakout year, showing he had the skills to carry a company (although not as a face character), and showing himself to have perhaps the best pure wrestling skills in the company. Lastly, the Rock may have missed a few months, but he (with Austin) is probably also the most entertaining overall performer in the company. To look at Rock's PPV matches now and compare them to when he first started, you wouldn't even know he was the same wrestler. The Rock that used to need carrying is now able to drag very entertaining matches out of a guy like Rikishi when he's called upon. Lets hope he'll be around for several more years. |
Intro General Comments Best Wrestler Best Tag Team Best Heel Best Babyface Best Worker Best Jobber Best Jobber to the Stars Best Flyer Best Technical Best Brawler Most Favourite Most Improved Most Overrated Best Gimmick Best Move Best Match Best Feud Worst Wrestler Worst Tag Team Worst Heel Worst Babyface Worst Worker Least Favourite Most Deteriorated Most Underrated Worst Gimmick Worst Move Worst Match Worst Feud Most Disappointing News item Most Obnoxious Best Second Best Announcer Best Colour Best Interviewee Best Angle Best Organization Best TV Show Best Major Show Best Promotional Move Worst Second Worst Announcer Worst Colour Worst Interviewee Worst Angle Worst Organization Worst TV Show Worst Major Show Worst Promotional Move 'netter Suggested Awards |
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