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2001 R.S.P-W Awards

Best Second


Award Description:

To be given to the manager who outperformed their peers at ringside and
behind the microphone in interviews.

Previous Winners:

  1990: Jim Cornette
  1991: Bobby Heenan
  1992: Mr. Perfect
  1993: Jim Cornette
  1994: Jim Cornette
  1995: Jim Cornette
  1996: Sunny
  1997: Chyna
  1998: Chyna
  1999: Dawn Marie
  2000: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley

**2001**: Stacy Keibler

256 first place votes
247 second place votes
232 third place votes

 39 25 14  298   Stacy Keibler
 35 25 20  290   Lita
 21 20 28  221   Mighty Molly
 25 11 10  178   Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
 18 16 14  166   Paul Heyman
 12 13 17  133   Trish Stratus
  5 20 24  133   Torrie Wilson
  7 23 13  130   William Regal
 14  9 10  117   Sinister Minister
 11  8 18  115   Shane McMahon
 11 12 10  111   Steven Richards
  9 11 11  100   Ric Flair
  9 14  5   97   Ivory
  8 11  9   91   Bill Alfonso
  8 10  6   82   Dawn Marie
  5  4  2   41   Cyrus
  5  3  1   36   TARU
  4  0  1   22   Debra
  1  3  4   22   Terri
  1  1  4   16   Vince McMahon
  2  0  2   14   Leia Meow
  2  0  0   10   Kenny Bolin
  1  0  1    7   Thug
  1  0  0    5   Shoichi Arai
  1  0  0    5   Mike Sanders
  1  0  0    5   Candie
  0  0  2    4   Lady Victoria
  0  1  0    3   Synn
  0  1  0    3   Sir Ronald J. Niemi IV
  0  1  0    3   Shuehi Yoshida
  0  1  0    3   Sara
  0  1  0    3   Major Gunns
  0  1  0    3   Jeff G. Bailey
  0  1  0    3   Francine
  0  1  0    3   Father Juan Valdez
  0  0  1    2   Tori
  0  0  1    2   Masato Sasaki
  0  0  1    2   Lance Storm
  0  0  1    2   Head
  0  0  1    2   Harvey Wippleman
  0  0  1    2   Dewey

RYAN HALL: Lita, Heyman, Shane.  Best of a bad bunch.  Heyman is great
WHEN he's managing.

EDDIE BURKETT: Steven Richards and Ivory tended to both draw the right
amount of heat for themselves and generally are effective as seconds.  
Molly Holly did well in her role as Holly cousin/Spike's

PAUL ZOROVICH:  Stacy Keibler wins by a leg.  Well, two legs.

JESSE HARALDSON: Stacy Kiebler is simply the hottest woman ever in

AMI: Cyrus is a throwback to the good old days.  You have a male manager
that's a great talker, and adds to the appeal of an angle, rather than
take away from it.

VIKRAM BIRRING: Sinister Minister may be the last great male second. I
miss the days of Slick and Paul E. at ringside spouting off. Managers with
actual talent, what a concept.

SCOTT WORDEN: Sinister Minister was the best manager when he was still
around..  Hey, am male manager with heat.. that is number 1 by default
right..  Dawn Marie is 2 cause she always has a place in my heart for
her..  Honestly, I have to give Lita props too.. She helps the Hard y's
win, like how the outside person should..  give her that.

OTTO "HACK-MAN" HEUER: Best Second? Too. Many. Choices.  I went with (in
order): Dawn Marie (I miss ECW), Torrie Wilson, Terri (I miss Alexandra
York), Leia Meow, Chae, Alexis, Mortimer Plumtree (best on the mic since
Corny in his prime), Adara Jaymes, Steph, Lita.

CHRIS BIRD: Molly Holly is cute.

SEAN FLYNN: All my votes for this come from ECW, as they were the only
ones who seemed to be able to make seconds interesting.  I miss the
Sinister Minister, and hope that one day the WWF might be able to find a
spot for him, so while I wait, I'll give him a first place vote here.

KEVIN WONG: As of late, there has not really been such a thing as a "good"
second.  Therefore, this category gets no votes from me.

DONNY L: Molly is easily the best, who ever she hangs with they become
better (see Spike, Hurricane), Regal little time w/ Tajiri was better then
most managers are.

PETER HAZLETT: Love Stacy, just keep her out of the ring, you don't need

ESTRAGAND: Worst promotional move of 1999? The Baltimore Ravens let Stacy
Keibler walk.

JOHN C.: There has been such a lack of managers that I almost voted for
Moppy.  Instead, I just picked the hottest girls by going with Torrie,
Trish and Molly.

JOE GENTILE: Trish Stratus, I mean, come on LOOK AT HER!

BLAZEJ SZPAKOWICZ: I think this category now tends to translate as
"hottest woman". Therefore, my votes go, in order, to Torrie Wilson, Lita
and Mighty Molly. The last two get extra props for being a factor in
matches they're at ringside for. Torrie gets props for, well, for being
Torrie. :)

CHRIS LENING: Yeah, I voted for Torrie Wilson because I think she's
attractive. I am a petty, superficial man. Of course, giving me the names
of some lucha ring girls could dramatically alter my ballot. But Regal and
McMahon actually seemed to care about their wrestlers, and that's all I
ask for in a second.

BEE MONTEVERDE: The WWF needs Mike Sanders!

RAGEROCKRR: There are no good managers or seconds left.

General Comments
Best Wrestler
Best Tag Team
Best Heel
Best Babyface
Best Worker
Best Jobber
Best Jobber to the Stars
Best Flyer
Best Technical
Best Brawler
Most Favourite
Most Improved
Most Overrated
Best Gimmick
Best Move
Best Match
Best Feud
Worst Wrestler
Worst Tag Team
Worst Heel
Worst Babyface
Worst Worker
Least Favourite
Most Deteriorated
Most Underrated
Worst Gimmick
Worst Move
Worst Match
Worst Feud
Most Disappointing News item
Most Obnoxious
Best Second
Best Announcer
Best Colour
Best Interviewee
Best Angle
Best Organization
Best TV Show
Best Major Show
Best Promotional Move
Worst Second
Worst Announcer
Worst Colour
Worst Interviewee
Worst Angle
Worst Organization
Worst TV Show
Worst Major Show
Worst Promotional Move
'netter Suggested Awards


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