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2001 R.S.P-W Awards

Best Interviewee


Award Description:

To be given to the person who gives the best interview in the biz. This
could be a wrestler or a manager.

Previous Winners:

  1990: Ric Flair
  1991: Ric Flair
  1992: Ric Flair
  1993: Ric Flair
  1994: Ric Flair
  1995: Shawn Michaels
  1996: Stone Cold Steve Austin
  1997: Stone Cold Steve Austin
  1998: Mankind (Dude Love / Cactus Jack / Mick Foley)
  1999: Mankind
  2000: The Rock

**2001**: Stone Cold Steve Austin

280 first place votes
277 second place votes
271 third place votes

 99 46 20  673   Steve Austin
 79 59 23  618   Rock
 23 16 24  211   Ric Flair
 11 26 38  209   Kurt Angle
 16 24 21  194   Chris Jericho
 10 17 26  153   Triple H
  8 10 16  102   Christian
  6 12 17  100   Paul Heyman
  4 11 16   85   William Regal
  4 10 14   78   Edge
  5  7 13   72   Mick Foley
  4  5  7   49   Hurricane
  3  4  3   33   Scott Steiner
  0  7  3   27   Rob van Dam
  1  4  3   23   Mike Sanders
  2  2  2   20   Booker T
  1  3  3   20   Vince McMahon
  1  1  3   14   Atsushi Onita
  1  1  2   12   Lana Star
  0  0  4    8   Tajiri
  0  2  0    6   Raven
  1  0  0    5   Hayabusa
  1  0  0    5   Black Tiger
  0  1  1    5   Chris Benoit
  0  0  2    4   Riot
  0  0  2    4   Mima Shimoda
  0  0  2    4   Diamond Dallas Page
  0  1  0    3   Steven Richards
  0  1  0    3   Shane McMahon
  0  1  0    3   Rhyno
  0  1  0    3   Mike Awesome
  0  1  0    3   Latin Lover
  0  1  0    3   Kaoru Ito
  0  1  0    3   El Satanico
  0  1  0    3   Dr. Wagner Jr.
  0  0  1    2   Tetsuhiro Kuroda
  0  0  1    2   Lenny Lane
  0  0  1    2   Kanyon
  0  0  1    2   Jungle Grrrl
  0  0  1    2   Faarooq


  0  1  1        Edge & Christian

RYAN HALL: Austin, Vince, Christian.  'He's not TENESSEE ugly' still
cracks me up.

VIKRAM BIRRING: Vince McMahon could lecture about the cycle of mytosis and
keep a crowd interested. He is the only McMahon who has "it."

STEPHEN TISZENKEL: What? (Yeah, I know that's unoriginal, but I'm hoping a
lot of other people will say it, too, thus creating a cool effect. Oops, I
kind of blew it with this parenthetical statement, didn't I?)

CHIP BOOTS: Kurt is number one simply because of his interview on
Smackdown before his No Way Out match with the Rock.  It's the best
interview I've ever seen.

SCOTT WORDEN: Now that Flair has joined, what about that future Rock vs
Flair promo possibly coming..

CHRIS BIRD: Who came up with a brilliant crowd-interactive catchphrase?
What? I said, who came up with a brilliant catchphrase? What? Who
reinvented their entire interview style and made it fresher and more
entertaining than ever? What? I said, who reinvented their interviews and
managed to be good without using their old catchphrases? What? WHAT? WHAT?

SEAN FLYNN: Austin's interviews were insane this year.  He was on a
different level than anyone else was, and showed his unparalleled acumen
for working a crowd with the "What?" catchphrase getting over.  Edge's
smark interviews were just hilarious to watch."It's called character
development!"  I missed Flair all year and voted for him in respect of
that.  Welcome back Nature Boy.

CANZ: Kurt Angle is the funniest man in wrestling today.

DONNY L: This year whenever Austin grabs the mic it was gold. what?

SIMON GRIER: Regal is just hilarious on the mic, going the full way with
foreigners stereotypes of us Brits. Angle is hilarious as well, and Rock's
ability to work 20,000 people into a frenzy is unbelieveable. Honourable
mentions to Austin, Edge and Chrsitian.

JOHN C.: It's tough to choose just three because there are a lot of great
talkers out there. Just like last year though, nobody tops The Rock. He
makes us laugh, he makes us take him seriously and he always finds a way
to make things interesting. Steve Austin really was in old form on the
stick this past year with his sharp wit and "what" catchphrase. Christian
consistently made me laugh and rarely had boring things to say.


BLAZEJ SZPAKOWICZ: Oddly, I don't find myself voting for any of the usual
suspects (Rock, Austin, Foley...) here. First is Chris Jericho, mostly for
his amazing work towards the end of the year with the Rock. (I say that a
lot, don't I?) Second is Edge. I don't think he can cut a serious promo to
save his life (yet), but his comedy promos, like the semi-shoot rants
against X-Pac and Billy Gunn, are awesome. Kurt Angle gets third. Well,
okay, I guess these guys are among the usual suspects too. :)

YNAE316: Christian to me is really under-rated as a promo person. Though
not much of a talker, I LOVE RVD's promos/interviews with that "Stoner"
type of coolness.

General Comments
Best Wrestler
Best Tag Team
Best Heel
Best Babyface
Best Worker
Best Jobber
Best Jobber to the Stars
Best Flyer
Best Technical
Best Brawler
Most Favourite
Most Improved
Most Overrated
Best Gimmick
Best Move
Best Match
Best Feud
Worst Wrestler
Worst Tag Team
Worst Heel
Worst Babyface
Worst Worker
Least Favourite
Most Deteriorated
Most Underrated
Worst Gimmick
Worst Move
Worst Match
Worst Feud
Most Disappointing News item
Most Obnoxious
Best Second
Best Announcer
Best Colour
Best Interviewee
Best Angle
Best Organization
Best TV Show
Best Major Show
Best Promotional Move
Worst Second
Worst Announcer
Worst Colour
Worst Interviewee
Worst Angle
Worst Organization
Worst TV Show
Worst Major Show
Worst Promotional Move
'netter Suggested Awards


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