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2001 R.S.P-W Awards

Best Organization


Award Description:

To be given to the organization/promotion that has the best product. This
is the organization whose TV and house shows you just can't miss.

Previous Winners:

  1990: NWA
  1991: WWF
  1992: WCW
  1993: SMW
  1994: ECW
  1995: WWF
  1996: WWF
  1997: WWF
  1998: WWF
  1999: WWF
  2000: WWF

**2001**: WWF

271 first place votes
235 second place votes
208 third place votes

213 19  8 1138   WWF
 14 76 39  376   ECW
  4 46 48  254   WCW
  9 23 19  152   NJPW
  3  9  9   60   WOW
  1  8 15   59   AJPW
  4  8  3   50   Toryumon
  3  7  6   48   CMLL
  2  7  5   41   NOAH
  4  2  2   30   AJW
  2  4  1   24   ECCW
  1  0  7   19   CZW
  2  0  2   14   Revolution Pro
  0  1  5   13   OVW
  0  2  3   12   XPW
  0  2  3   12   UPW
  2  0  0   10   ECWA
  1  1  1   10   PGWA
  1  0  2    9   FMW
  0  1  3    9   Zero-One
  0  2  1    8   Michinoku Pro
  0  1  2    7   NWA
  0  1  2    7   BattlARTS
  0  2  0    6   Maryland Championship Wrestling
  0  2  0    6   HWA
  0  0  3    6   NWA Wildside
  1  0  0    5   World League Wrestling
  1  0  0    5   WCPW
  1  0  0    5   IPW
  1  0  0    5   GAEA
  1  0  0    5   ARSION
  0  1  1    5   USA Pro Wrestling
  0  1  1    5   Stampede
  0  1  1    5   NEO
  0  1  1    5   JCW
  0  0  2    4   APW
  0  1  0    3   NECW
  0  1  0    3   MPW
  0  1  0    3   JAPW
  0  1  0    3   Exbury Wrestling Federation
  0  1  0    3   Border City Wrestling
  0  0  1    2   WrestleXpress
  0  0  1    2   NWWA
  0  0  1    2   Midwest Championship Wrestling
  0  0  1    2   IWRG
  0  0  1    2   Gateway Championship Wrestling
  0  0  1    2   GMW
  0  0  1    2   Extreme World Warfare
  0  0  1    2   Central Wrestling Organization (Colorado indy)
  0  0  1    2   'jd


  0  1  1        Duplicated votes
  0  1  0        WrestleLine (not a wrestling organisation)
  0  0  1        WXO (defunct)
  0  0  1        UFC (not a wrestling organization)
  0  0  1        ALLIANCE (part of the WWF)

RYAN HALL: WWF, ECW, WCW.  Can it be any other way?  The other 2 are out
of business.

JESSE HARALDSON: The UFC has made a comeback and the "High Voltage" show
they did was an example of how good the sport is.

TEDB512: Even though it has to be my #2, WCW was obviously rebuilding
towards the end, and it would've been great by now.

SCOTT CRAWFORD: I sadly find myself looking back at the last dying gasps
of the old WCW (specifically, the last month) nostalgically, compared to
the current WWF.

CHIP BOOTS: Voting ECW number one is just my way of saying goodbye to the
most innovative promotion ever.

SCOTT WORDEN: Best organization?????  I think this may be the last time
this is part of the awards..  WWF is always my favorite..

NATRBOY72: WWF and Toryumon put on the best shows top to bottom in 2001
getting first and second.  NOAH also did some good things making new
stars, using outsiders, and working with Zero One (and a few really dumb
things like giving Honda a title shot) for third.  It's hard to believe
how far New Japan has slipped.

CANZ: EMLL is the best promotion because it's the only one I even bother
to watch. Let the snobs have their all-workrate promotions and let the
sheep enjoy the circus of the WWF- I will take a balance between the two.

DONNY L: WWF by default I guess

SIMON GRIER: The most obvious no-brainer of a catergory since Hogan was
still around to win "Least Favourite." Up until Rock went off to make
movies the WWF was off the scale in awesomeness this year. They then
dipped a bit until the Great Canadian Elevation before the Invasion set in
- this was a bit substandard but still fresh and exciting. WCW was
probably better in its dying days than at any time in its history, with
lots of great matches and slow but sure elevation of talent in favour of
the old guard. ECW died a shadow of its former self but still provided
more entertainment in three months than XPW will in a lifetime. I don't
watch Puro.

ESTRAGAND: WWF as best AND Worst? sure. When they were on, nobody was
better.. and when they suck, they excel at that, too.

BRIAN SCALA: USA Pro Wrestling charts by default. There is such a small
number of nationally, recognized wrestling organizations that unless WCW
is re-born & Hogan's group starts in 2002, the categories for Best/Worst
Organization should be eliminated. The WWF was really the best & worst fed
at times. They, too, win by default.

JOHN C.: Gee, I wonder who is going to win this one.

CHRIS LENING: If November of 2001 had been included in the time period,
then CMLL would win on my ballot, but the suckiness of this month does not
count, so I cannot knock the many enjoyable shows I did see.

RYAN FAULCONER: New Japan, match for match, had the best company this
year. EMLL has the world's largest roster and can entertain from top to
bottom like only New Japan can.

WILL SCHLICKENMAIER: ECWA has been the single most entertaining and
interesting promotion around this year, single-handedly responsible for
bringing a strong-style spirit to independent wrestling in lieu of the
highspots which had dominated before.

General Comments
Best Wrestler
Best Tag Team
Best Heel
Best Babyface
Best Worker
Best Jobber
Best Jobber to the Stars
Best Flyer
Best Technical
Best Brawler
Most Favourite
Most Improved
Most Overrated
Best Gimmick
Best Move
Best Match
Best Feud
Worst Wrestler
Worst Tag Team
Worst Heel
Worst Babyface
Worst Worker
Least Favourite
Most Deteriorated
Most Underrated
Worst Gimmick
Worst Move
Worst Match
Worst Feud
Most Disappointing News item
Most Obnoxious
Best Second
Best Announcer
Best Colour
Best Interviewee
Best Angle
Best Organization
Best TV Show
Best Major Show
Best Promotional Move
Worst Second
Worst Announcer
Worst Colour
Worst Interviewee
Worst Angle
Worst Organization
Worst TV Show
Worst Major Show
Worst Promotional Move
'netter Suggested Awards


Copyright © 1999-2001 Christopher Robin Zimmerman & KZiM Communications