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2001 R.S.P-W Awards | Best TV Show |
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Award Description: To be given to what is on average the best wrestling TV show. In 1994, TV shows and major shows were given separate award categories. Previous Winners: 1991: 03/21/91: WCW & New Japan Supershow (aired on tape) 1992: 01/18/92: WWF Royal Rumble 1993: WWF Monday Night RAW weekly TV 1994: WWF Monday Night RAW 1995: WWF Monday Night RAW 1996: WWF Monday Night RAW 1997: WWF RAW is WAR (Monday Night RAW / RAW / War Zone) 1998: WWF RAW is WAR (RAW / War Zone) 1999: WWF RAW is WAR (RAW / War Zone) 2000: WWF RAW is WAR (RAW / War Zone) **2001**: WWF RAW (RAW is War / War Zone / RAW Zone) 275 first place votes 264 second place votes 243 third place votes 181 54 10 1087 WWF RAW 49 145 28 736 WWF SmackDown! 11 9 72 226 WWF Tough Enough 4 17 29 129 WCW Monday Nitro 6 8 23 100 ECW Hardcore TV 9 7 3 72 NJPW World Pro Wrestling 4 7 6 53 CMLL 0 0 22 44 WWF Sunday Night Heat 1 3 14 42 WWF Jakked / Metal 1 4 12 41 WOW Women of Wrestling 2 1 7 27 WWF Excess 3 1 0 18 All Japan Women's ATHENA 1 2 3 17 WCW Worldwide 1 0 1 7 OVW weekly TV 0 1 2 7 NWA Wildside 1 0 0 5 Zenjo Satellite 1 0 0 5 FMW That's Wrestling Show 0 1 1 5 WCW Thunder 0 1 1 5 Toryumon Vamanos Amigos 0 1 1 5 GAEA G-Panic! 0 1 1 5 FMW Lock Up 0 0 2 4 CZW Fake You TV 0 1 0 3 NOAH on Nippon TV 0 0 1 2 Wrestling Power 0 0 1 2 WWF LiveWire 0 0 1 2 IWRG on ESPN2 Mexico 0 0 1 2 All Japan on GAORA TV 0 0 1 2 ARSION Stargold RYAN HALL: RAW, Smackdown, Tough Enough. RAW still gives the 'somewhat unknown' feeling, and thus the edge over Smackdown. PAUL ZOROVICH: Smackdown always seems to work better as a TV show than Raw -- maybe it's the couple of days' editing time they have? STEPHEN TISZENKEL: It's sad that I have to pick Tough Enough as the best show of the year, but it was consistently entertaining, which is more than I can say for anything else. SCOTT WORDEN: SmackDown is the best show this year.. Seems like the better matches were on it and the longer ones too.. less tackling until recently it seemed. DONNY L: Raw over Smackdown just because of the Ross is one hundred times better then Cole JOHN C.: Smackdown comes in first because I never read spoilers and I find that there's more wrestling content on that show. Raw comes in second obviously with Tough Enough rounding out the top three. YNAE316: I actually liked the Tough Enough concept, though them letting Bobbie Joe on probably ranks up there in the "dumbest promotional move" category. She admitted to usingthe WWF as a stepping stone to Playboy. She would probably get there easier sending Heff a headshot orsomething. They shoulda let in the Aussie chick they featured so much in the casting edition. BEE MONTEVERDE: At least Jakked had wrestling on it! RAGEROCKRR: WWF Tough Enough was the only WWF show this year that I was glad I tuned into it every time I watched it. |
Intro General Comments Best Wrestler Best Tag Team Best Heel Best Babyface Best Worker Best Jobber Best Jobber to the Stars Best Flyer Best Technical Best Brawler Most Favourite Most Improved Most Overrated Best Gimmick Best Move Best Match Best Feud Worst Wrestler Worst Tag Team Worst Heel Worst Babyface Worst Worker Least Favourite Most Deteriorated Most Underrated Worst Gimmick Worst Move Worst Match Worst Feud Most Disappointing News item Most Obnoxious Best Second Best Announcer Best Colour Best Interviewee Best Angle Best Organization Best TV Show Best Major Show Best Promotional Move Worst Second Worst Announcer Worst Colour Worst Interviewee Worst Angle Worst Organization Worst TV Show Worst Major Show Worst Promotional Move 'netter Suggested Awards |
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