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The Bucs Fan




Hey everyone, and welcome to the newest edition of Almost Famous. I've previously been known as Bucs792, but AOL sucked, and my E-mail has consequently changed.

Anyway, I'm writing today to discuss a new catchphrase that has taken the wrestling world by storm. A catchphrase that has fans chanting nationwide, regardless of who is in the ring and what they're doing. A catchphrase that is taking over RAW. A catchphrase that is detrimental to our well-being.


I said...I don't repeat myself. What I will say is that Steve Austin's new saying has struck a nerve with me. The fact that people such as Kurt Angle can be in the ring cutting promos, promos that have NOTHING to do with Stone Cold Steve Austin, and get bombarded with deafening "What?!?" chants from the audience. It not only draws attention away from what the interviewee has to say, but makes it seem secondary.


That's right, it makes people not care about the interview going on, or the match taking place. The only thing I can think to compare it to is the "We want Flair!" chants that filled every WCW arena for over a year after his firing in 1991. It was a distraction then, and a distraction now.

But it's one syllable and easy to chant in unison, atleast, right? Right?

Wrestling fans can be so ignorant. They don't realize they are not only cheating themselves out of substance for the sake of a silly one-word question, but they are insulting the other wrestlers as well, I'm sure. I doubt mid- to lower-card guys don't appreciate the chants when Steve Austin has nothing to do with their match, angle, feud, etc.


The ultimate disrespect to a wrestler (or anyone else, I suppose)is to tell him you don't care about him or his work. And you can't say it more blatantly than by shouting an irrelevant catchphrase. Other chants happen in similar ways, but at least it is good timing then. People will chant "Rock-y, Rock-y" at times when it's obvious he'll be coming out (which is another problem by itself), but not at other points.


That's about all I have to say about that. I think you can figure out how to send feedback, and I would appreciate it. I will close my column by doing something new, something I would like to do each time I write. I will do a top ten list of a random characteristic of the wrestling business.

The Bucs Fans' Top Ten Favorite Chris Jericho WWF Matches:
10.Chris Jericho v. Triple H, WWF title, RAW from April 2000
9.Chris Jericho v. X-Pac, Unforgiven 1999
8.Chris Jericho v. Kurt Angle, IC title, No Way Out 2000
7.Chris Jericho v. Triple H, Last Man Standing, Fully Loaded 2000
6.Chris Jericho v. Chris Benoit, IC title, Ladder Match, Royal Rumble 2001
5.Chris Jericho v. X-Pac v. Chris Benoit v. Eddy Guerrerro, IC Title, No Way Out 2001
4.Chris Jericho v. The Rock, World Title, Vengeance 2001
3.Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit v. Triple H & Steve Austin, Tag Titles, RAW from May (?) 2001
2.Chris Jericho v. The Rock, WCW Title, No Mercy 2001
1.Chris Jericho v. Chris Benoit, IC Title Submission Match, Judgment Day 2000

The Bucs Fan

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