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Guest Columns | Rebecca Cerese |
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Hey All!! We are back from our wrestling vacation, and we are still trying to recover. We are finally able to sit down and try to recap our insane excursion. I have Sharon (yay!!!) sitting next to me (by the way I am kidnapping her and not letting her go back to New Jersey) and my awesome friend Jen and she is going to write with us as well. Heather had to go back to Greenville but she has already put her thoughts up for all to see...but she is with us in spirit when we compose this column as well. Ok, onto the Rants from the Edge: The Wrestling Gods were smiling upon us for the entire first five days of our adventure. In a shocking swerve where Sharon's ID was not accepted at a bar we tried to get in, we found ourselves looking for a place to hang out. We don't want to mention where we were, but about 30 minutes after we arrived Matt (freakin!!!!!) Hardy walked in and sat down. Jen and Heather downed the rest of their drinks and walked over to him. Sharon and I followed soon after. Basically we got to sit and talk with him for 20 minutes. It was the most incredible experience. We want to say first and foremost that the camera does not do this man justice. He is so incredibly beautiful in person...and more amazingly he is just as wonderful as he is beautiful. We actually were able to handle ourselves pretty well too considering...anyway it was like a dream come true, and Matt if by some miracle you are reading this we would like to thank you for taking the time to hang with us. You made our night and most of our month. And of course we would be remiss to not mention that Miss Lita ended up coming in soon after and we got to meet her too. To say she is wonderful and down to earth is an understatement. And to all you guys reading out there she is about a million times hotter in person...and we know we are the envy of all of you since we got to take pictures with her. So ha ha to you! To Matt and Amy: Thank you again for being so incredibly nice to us and taking the time to talk with us...it was so incredibly cool and really special and it is something we will never forget ever. Onto day two: Day two was the softball game between the Michael Bolton Bombers and the WWF. First off we want to say the WWF suck at softball except for Jonathon Coachman who was the MVP in our opinion and for Chaz who had obviously played softball or baseball before. We had ass-kicking seats 3rd row behind their dugout, and we were the most vocal fans there. Not surprisingly we brought a sign that said Dudley Girlz and we got the attention of both D-Von and Buh Buh which was totally cool. But the coolest thing in the world had to be getting on Katcam. For those of you who don't know Stacey "KAT" Carter has a mini site off of kinglawler.com which has a bunch of awesome backstage pictures on it...anyway we screamed her name and simultaneously screamed out "We love Katcam". She cracks up, gave us a thumbs up and a minute later comes out of the dugout with Katcam in hand!!! She then took a picture of us, and then we held up the Dudley Girlz sign and she took another picture. It was so awesome. The WWF got slaughtered by Michael Bolton's imported ex MLB players, much to the delight of the Bolton fan in front of us who seemed like if she had a machine gun she would have gunned us down where we sat. Suffice it to say we were having a really good time...and I guess we were sort of obnoxious but we are WWF fans after all. The only disappointing aspect of the entire weekend was that the advertised autograph session following the softball game was a complete let down. I guess they were not expecting the volume of WWF fans who were there, because the WWF superstars left after about a half hour leaving well over 500 people on line without any autographs...ok, let me amend that, they were handing out pre-autographed mats...and I (Rebecca) received a Pete Gas autograph and was told to get out of line...in my mind Pete Gas does not count as a legitimate WWF autograph (Sharon adds) nor does Kevin Kelly who totally sucks. Not meeting Buh Buh Ray sucked but seeing him in action during the softball game was great. He has a really great personality and at one point was totally flirting with us as he was reclining suggestively on the field...(he was at first base) Needless to say Heather almost needed to be rushed to the hospital from hyperventilation, and I (being Rebecca) was not far behind. Even Jen and Sharon who do not think he is sexy were very amused. Day three for the PPV: We got there at 10:30 because we are dedicated wrestling geeks who were trying to trade our floor seats in for seats we would actually be able to see from. Plus we needed to get one more ticket for Jen. The box office didn't open till noon, so we had to kill about 1 _ hours. We ended up going to the hotel they were staying at and when we pulled into the parking lot we saw Edge on a cell phone. We parked the car and waited patiently till he was off the phone. Jen and Sharon were ogling Edge and I was waiting for Christian (trying not to totally freak out). In the mean time I told Edge how I wished that him and Christian would go back to actually doing some WRESTLING MOVES, and he said he kind of liked it the way it was now because he didn't get hurt, but then he assured us that we would be seeing plenty of wrestling in the match later that night. Then Christian walks up and he didn't seem to be in a very happy mood, but I begged him to please take a picture with me since he is my favorite wrestler of all time. Jen, Sharon and Heather assured him that I was telling the truth and he accommodated my desire. Words cannot express how I felt. To have met both Matt and Christian within 3 days of each other was like a dream come true. I can totally understand why he wasn't in the best mood after witnessing what they had planned for later that night first hand but more on the incredible TLC match in a few minutes. We went inside the hotel and Jen got to meet Taka. Throughout the whole 4 days, Kaientai were extremely cool and very fan oriented unlike some other wrestlers whose names we won't mention. Everyone has their bad days, we were just disappointed with their behavior. Jen says Taka is a total cutie!! After a little while at the hotel we decided to go back and get tickets. While Sharon and I waited on line Heather and Jen wandered (slyly) around the building and got to hang out and talk with Ivory. I am now handing the keyboard over to Jen so she can tell us about her excellent conversation with Ivory: Well, Heather smokes like a chimney and so every opportunity that was available she was outside. I decided to keep her company and wander around a bit. We just *happened* to head down to where the wrestlers were parking and I saw Jackie. I just said Hi to her and told her I loved Miss Texas. Then Heather says "look there's Ivory!" Like a total mark I rush over there and tell her that I want to shake her hand. Ivory is one of the three women in the biz that I highly highly highly respect and I told her that. When I was a kid I wanted to be in wrestling but the only women I had to look up to were people like Sensational Sherri. Nothing against Sherri but about the only time I ever wanted to be in her shoes was when she was Shawn's Valet. Anyway Heather and I told Ivory how much we love her in the ring and what a great job she does when she does commentary. Us: "You should wrestle more!" "You should commentate more!" Ivory: "I should do *something* more!" It was hard to get a word in edgewise with this girl, she talks a mile-a-minute! We talked for quite a while about the politics of being a woman in wrestling and her days in GLOW. She was incredibly nice and the best part was as she headed into the building she asked our names and then said, "Thanks for the inspiration." Ivory, I have to say again it is you who is an inspiration for all us chicks who are fed up with those "perverts" out there. ^_^ I also want to say that Ivory would be a perfect match with RTC and a great foil for Lita and they should book that! RTC are such huge heels, you know Ivory would get major heat for aligning herself with them and that would be a great feud- Lita would have someone to fine tune her skills against and Ivory could finally wrestle again! Onto Summerslam: We did finally get our good tickets by the way, and I was very happy we switched our floor seats because we were about to see some of the most insane bumps ever to take place in the WWF. Since this column is already long as hell we are just going to run through the highlights: RTC winning over Too Cool was awesome. I think we were the only people in the arena rooting for RTC. The best part....W...O...R...Whack!!!! Steven kick to the face of Scotty. We almost escaped the weekend worm free!!!! But we were subjected to one in Greensboro, but at least we didn't have to watch it 5 times. We cannot express how UNFORGETTABLE the Shane bump was live. We were watching him climb up the side of the screen and he just kept going and going. We were standing up holding on to each other freaking out because we knew he was going down. We thought he was too high up....we were sick to our stomachs...So Blackman starts hitting him and suddenly he lets go and starts freefalling backwards...he doesn't even look back when he let go either. It seemed like he just kept falling and falling. We defy anyone to call him a pussy after that fall...it was the most incredible thing we had witnessed live up to that point...little did we know we were going to see about 7000 more later in the night. Blackman jumping after him was sweet as hell too, and we know you were marking out CRZ...admit it. Pretty awesome hardcore match leading up to the bump as well. Our friends Lewis, Greg and Cory were sitting up right where Shane fell from and they said it was like nothing they had ever seen. Just a quick note on the Tazz/Lawler match: We tried to start a "fuck him up Tazz, fuck him up" chant to no avail...except for the drunken rednecks sitting next to Sharon. The ending was kind of cool, but we are at a loss as to what the hell the WWF is doing with Tazz. How about give the guy a win once in a while... Next up on the holy shit this is a great damn match list was Jericho vs. Benoit. We had very high expectations for this match, and we were torn as to who to root for loving both Canadians pretty much equally. We just ended up with a "Come on Chris" cheer and that solved our problem. They brought a ton of great psychology and intensity to their match. The best psychology we had seen in a long time. And it was great to see Benoit pull out the win in true old school heel fashion, esp. after they split the first two wins by tap outs to each of their submission end moves. Awesome match...it would have been just a little cooler if it was a little longer i.e. cut out the stinkface match and give the time to these two...but that is the only real complaint. TL freakin C match: What can we say about this match. To see this match live was an honor and also extremely nerve-wracking. I don't think any of us breathed the entire match. Every bump was crazier than the next. We were trying to figure out who had the craziest bump of the night and it was just impossible to choose. They were all crazy and incredible. For me (Rebecca) seeing Jeff and D-Von hanging from the belts was my top holy shit moment...it was just so original, although followed closely by Matt falling backwards into the tables, and of course there was Buh Buh going through the four tables and then Jeff's missed swanton...hell who are we kidding, they were all amazing as hell. Christian and Edge did their part as well, but in terms of suicidal bumps they definitely decided to stay safe in this match. Which is FINE by us. In fact we told Christian, Edge and Matt to please be careful and to not do anything crazy to impress us because we were impressed anyway! At Matt Hardy's urging we went out and bought the TLC video, which by the way is so totally awesome and a must buy for anyone who is a fan of any of these teams. After watching the tape the thing that got us how very few bumps and even moves were repeated in any of the four historic matches between these 3 teams. These three teams are completely creative and innovative geniuses and we love them for it. But we also want them to stay safe, and after the TLC match we had to all catch our breaths, and we were thankful that that stupid pathetic waste of space stinkface match (no offense Kat) was next so we could run to the bathroom and recuperate. We are not going to say much about the Main Event except that it was excellent (Rebecca: when it was Kurt vs. HHH especially) but also that the fans were total morons for chanting for the Rock when Kurt and HHH were going at it with an excellent intensity level. Sharon agrees although she was very happy to see (drool over) the Rock. We want to send shout outs to Greg, Lewis and Cory. It was so awesome hanging out after Summerslam, even if Denny's has the grossest food ever. You guys Rock! And I ain't talking about the people's champion. Day 4 Raw in Greensboro: We got kickass seats for RAW, so we would like to thank the rude bastard who jumped in front of us and made it so we were still in line the second they released excellent seats. And you can see us on RAW almost the entire show...going completely crazy the entire time. Look for 4 girls jumping up and down about eight rows back and that is us. You can see us esp. well during the Christian and Edge midget segment. Thank you wrestling gods for watching over us when we were getting tickets and for making Sharon's fantasy of being between Edge and Christian come true...it happened, check the tape. High points: The Hardys coming out, ripping off their shirts and getting up on ladders after beating the crap out of Edge and Christian. Oh yeah did we mention that we got to meet Shane McMahon!!! He is even bigger (and HOTTER) in person too. Of course we asked him how he was feeling after his insane bump at Summerslam and he said a little sore...well no shit! He was very sweet to us and a big F*CK you to the asshole men who jumped in front of us while we were talking to him. Since this past Thursday was Jeff Hardy's Birthday we bought him a present (I know we are geeks) but Heather (or lucky bitch as we are now referring to her), got to hand it to him while we were talking to Shane-O-Mac. Later on Jen got to talk with Jeff because of course like the totally awesome man that he is he stopped every time he drove in and out to talk with fans. But another total asshole jumped in front of her while she was talking to him before she even got two sentences out... The midget segment was just hilarious- we were just cracking up which you can see on TV. The best/worst part was when the Hardy midgets were not allowed to speak...but guess what the real Hardys got to cut a promo the next night on Smackdown much to our delight...and it was a damn good promo too...LET THESE GUYS TALK MORE!!!! Also awesome as hell was the Angle/HHH confrontation at the beginning of RAW. The camera guy totally missed the intense exchange between these two. But live it was awesome to see...esp. when HHH ripped his shirt off and went after Angle. We also totally marked out like fools as soon as we realized that Chyna was going to be thrown into the angle. Acknowledging their past SOOO RULES! Low Points: There was only really one and that was the *double* Mideon streak job... Once was more than any of us ever wanted to see in our lives...but twice, hell three times if you count Smackdown was enough to kill those raging hormones...well kind of...we echo Al Snow's sentiments: BLEAH!. A shout out to Jabreel too, our awesome Greensboro buddy. Awesome to see you as usual, and we are so ecstatic you got such a great seat. Day 5 Smackdown in Fayett-Nam, NC Once again the wrestling Gods shine their light on us as we got Room 316 at the hotel which was on Owen Street. The seats we had for Smackdown were to die for! We had first row on the ramp, but you can barely see us because we were always behind the camera. You can see us when the Undertaker parks his bike because we were right there. That was sweet! Mega Highlights: We were sitting sort of close to the Hardy's dad, who Jen recognized immediately before he even sat down. After the show we went over to him and beamed about how awesome his sons are. He is such a total sweetie. Sharon asked him how he can deal with them taking the insane chances that they do in the ring and he said he was used to it since they have been doing it since they were little on the trampoline. We told him how we thought they were awesome people and even more awesome wrestlers and he said "yeah they are alright." We looked at him like he was insane and argued otherwise. Overall it was awesome and the best part in the whole world was Jen got to give her absolutely awesome Hardy Boyz drawing to their dad and he said he was going to hang it in his house!!!!!!!!! Needless to say Jen was floored. When Jeff. Matt and Lita came out on top of the ramp, Jeff saw Jen's sign and the Happy Birthday Jeff sign we had also made. After their terrific match against Edge and Christian (We never get sick of these men fighting each other!) Jeff and Matt went over to hug their dad and then afterwards Jeff walked right up to me and Jen and shook our hands....it was so incredibly sweet of him. Basically when we came into this weekend we didn't think we could be bigger Hardy Boyz fans then we were already, but we came away even more impressed with them than before! Our other highlight was seeing Al Snow win the European Championship. We were going completely crazy, and besides that was a really solid match. And it was great seeing Terri get thrown on her skanky, bony ass! Jen was especially happy because she is a *huge* Al mark, and not only did he not lose the match he won a friggin' belt! It must have been family night at the arena that night because in addition to Gilbert Hardy being there, Linda McMahon's mother was there! She looks just like Linda and she was beaming from ear to ear when Stephanie was out, and was an adorable grandmother. Also wanted to say how cool our security guard, Paul was at Smackdown, finally a guard who was a wrestling fan...Hey Cowboy...hope you enjoyed Oz too. Ok, so this is getting really long, but just wanted to mention that the Benoit/Undertaker match and the Angle/Eddy main event were both really great and fun as hell to watch. We also forgot to mention how cool it was to be in the building at Summerslam when Kane was unmasked. Even if we didn't get to see his face and that match sucked otherwise. Thanks for reading our long ass column about our exciting as hell adventure.
Rebecca, Sharon and Jen |
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