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Brian Heavey




The Ultimate Warrior has been much-maligned on the internet, and most recently by [slash]'s own Brady Conroy. Conroy, in denouncing the Warrior as a "fucking psycho," proceeded to launch a profanity-laden tirade against the man, the crux of which rested on Conroy's assertion that Warrior is a neo-Nazi.

The Warrior is a lot of things, but he's not a Nazi, and he isn't advocating National Socialism. The Warrior, in the passage Conroy cited, is simply condemning the behavior of "Darryl Strawberry and Scott Hall and Robert Downey, Jr. and Mike Tyson." I don't think we need to send the Straw, et. al, to some sort of Alcatraz, but I at least partially agree with the warrior in that these people have definitely exhibited degrees of bad behavior. What's wrong with condemning abusive lifestyles, both self-abuse (drug use) and the abuse of others (rape)? And, whatever you think of the Warrior's opinions, the man has a right to hold them. Brady asking the question, "Who is he, honestly, to say who should and should not be in society?" is ridiculous. Who is Brady Conroy to condemn the Warrior, when Conroy has likely never spent any significant time around either the Warrior or the WWF, and whose knowledge of the situation is entirely second- and third-hand? Condemn the Warrior's opinions, if you want. But the Warrior, whatever his faults, has experience the business directly and as such is in a qualified position to form opinions about it.

Yes, the Warrior was involved in some stupid angles while he was in wrestling. But is he off the mark in denouncing some of the WWE's latest offerings? Do you think that McMahon making Trish bark like a dog is "irreverent entertainment?" I don't join the crowd that things the sky is falling every time wrestling portrays women in a bad light. I certainly don't think anyone, male or female, should take their cues in life from entertainemt, especially pro wrestling. But, at the same time, I agree with the Warrior. Some of this stuff really is over the line. And, what's worse, it's not even entertaining. And I know that many of the citizens of Weinerville are with me, and the Warrior, on this one.

It is not my intent to defend the Warrior 100%. Certainly, some of Conroy's points, especially the steroid-related ones, ring true. But just because a man uses words with more than three-syllables and has some sense of self-esteem doesn't make him insane.

I think Conroy made a very valid point in refuting the Warrior's "smearing" of Hogan, as well. Hogan is not a hero, he's a character. But what is this?

"All this would be fine. I would not take offence at Warrior not thinking Hogan a hero. But it is his actual role models, his heroes and those who he holds to this office that really makes him a retard. His heroes are the founding fathers of the U.S. Men who promoted Christian values even though they all, yes every last one of them it has been confirmed, had mistresses. Men who came into a land and used religion (something I think should be pure) and weapons to force the people already living there out of it, and then called it theirs. Men who wrote a proclamation about all men being created equal, but owned men as slaves, called them niggers and didn't think anything bad of it. These are heroes, Warrior? Well then Hulk Hogan must be the motherfucking second coming of Chirst."

Say what you will about the founding fathers. I'm certainly not condoning slavery or adultery. But founding the United States of America was an accomplishment. I don't think I need to expound on the historical significance of the Revolutionary War; comparing Hogan to Washington is just plain silly. Conroy is getting carried away here in an almost Warrior-like fashion.

The Warrior is not above reproach, but nor is he the devil that Conroy painted him as. Mr. Conroy has attacked the Warrior with such vehemence that it would make even Scott Keith step back and say "Whoa, bro, ease up. It's just an internet opinion piece." Before we all go overboard trashing Warrior, or Austin, or Hart, or Michaels, or anyone at all, let's at least give the wrestler in question the benefit of the doubt. You don't have to, by any means, accept someone's opinion just because they're a wrestler. But Austin, Warrior, etc. are/were a part of the business. These people lived through what we can only read and write about, and at the very least, offer a perspective that we owe it to ourselves to consider if we're really interested in learning about the situation.

Aways believe, Wieners.

Brian Heavey

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