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Guest Columns | Brood-y Mama |
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Wrestling with Fantasies Hey, cats and kittens, it's the Brood-y Mama back with news and views! Wow! The summer is heating up and I'm not just talking about the weather! It's very interesting that the WWF seems to be listening to the fans-if we don't like it, it's gone! Now listen to this-bring back Luna! Have Ivory defend that belt-without any help from Nicole! I'll assume that the video we was last RAW means Tori is on her way back-about time! There are so many developing storylines-starting with the 'forbidden love' between Test and Stephanie McMahon; a tried and true story of a lowly worker and the boss' daughter. Hey, it's a cliche but it still works-after all that Stephanie has gone through, we want to see her happy! Then we have the seeming deathwish of Bob Holly-I laugh when I hear JR refer to his 'courage and tenacity' (he says the same thing about that X-Punk). Excuse me, but I don't think calling out people who outweigh you by at least 100 pounds and tower over you, is courageous-it's STUPID!! Sure it's funny, because he's such a weasel! Big Shot? I'd like to change one of those vowels-guess which one! I also like the DX vs. DX storyline- I kinda side with HHH and Chyna, they were charter members, after all. But it would be really interesting if the original D-generate, HBK, weighed in with his opinions. To go along with the storyline, DX was his idea, is he getting any residuals? Hey Shawn, did you copyright that DX logo? Then we have the runaway ego of BA Billy Gunn; first he dumps his friend and partner, Road Dogg and now that he's won King of the Ring, he thinks he can step to the Rock. Earth to Billy! This has led to sort of a feud, I say sort of because the Rock had made it pretty plain BA is no competition to him. And he's been very successful in making Billy a laughing stock-who wasn't laughing at his impression of BA and God talking? It was truly satisfying to see the Rock team up with X-Pac and RD to take on BA & HHH-laying the smackdown, as usual! Then we have the seeming reunion of Kane and Undertaker, what a surprise! To think when Kane was first introduced, UT was a face and therefore, Kane was a heel. Then the powers that be kicked him out of the Corporation, Chyna broke his heart, and he was befriended by X-Pac-POW! He became a good guy and everyone loved the Big Red Machine. Now that UT has rediscovered his darkside and Paul Wight turned face- Kane seems to be on the dark path once again. Or is he? And let's not forget the infamous GTV hidden cameras, people are being busted left and right and we don't know who's doing it! I was betting my money on Goldust (after all, it was originally GDTV) and some people are speculating that it will be Chris Jericho-changing the spelling to Gericho. But wait a minute! Here's a thought-Headbangerz Thrasher's real name is Glenn, right? And looking at him last week, dooesn't he look like someone who's been in the La-Z-Boy too long-just eating snacks and watching TV? A real couch potato? Just a thought... I'll mention the Stone Cold/ McMahon fued briefly-but it's not new and it seems that a lot of people are bored with it. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it resolved at the Fully Loaded PPV. Although I'm not betting the farm on it truly being resolved, unless Vince is planning a retirement. I also like that the Hardyz have the belts, therefore insuring great defense matches! And the developing of several tag teams-Godfather and Val Venis (perfect pair!), Prince Albert and Droz, Viscera and Mideon, Christian and Edge (looks that way), of course, the Acolytes and D'lo with Mark Henry look good too! And then there's my favorite-bad blood in Broodland! I'm not surprised that jealousy and envy have consumed Gangrel-all those screams for Edge & Christian! He didn't have to push my baby through a fiery ring though-trying to mar his lovely face? I look forward to their future matches-and I see there's one at Fully Loaded! Now maybe Christian can get a theme/intro video of his own? And please not written by whomever wrote the Big Show/BA themes, thank you! I know there are other things bubbling over, like the imminent fued between Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman; the teaming up of Ivory and Nicole Bass; the arrival of Chris Jericho; the eventual bust-up of Debra & JJ; and the returns of Mick Foley, Tori, Goldust & Meanie, Droz's discovery of his feminine side and just what Al Snow will do next! OOhhh, I'm rubbing my hands together in anticipation! Until next time, dear readers, Brood-y Mama Mail the Author |
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