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Guest Columns | Brian Popkin |
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THE ULTIMATE FAN His name is Bryan Smith. He has created a website devoted to his hero, the Ultimate Warrior. This site is run on angelfire. He spends as much time as he can on this site. He would spend more time, only he has put up so much content that the site routinely crashes for four hours at a time. The webmasters at angelfire hold him up for more money to pay for his excessive bandwidth. Yet, he can't bear to take down even one of the hundred bandwidth eating picture files he has up. His picture gallery must be complete and must include all WCW Warrior pics as well. To leave out even one of these would be to insult to the Warrior's legacy. He still watches the WWE and cheers for the Warrior-style wretlers; Brock Lesner, Kane, and Golddust. He has just enjoyed watching Summerslam. So which part of the show was his favorite; RVD winning the IC title or HBK turning back time to beat Triple H? What about Brock Lesner taking out the Rock in Ultimate Warrior style? None of these, his favorite part was when they showed a sign in the crowd saying, "Bring Back the Warrior." This signifies the fans desire to see a return of the best wrestler ever. He'd also love to see some new Warrior Comics and also an animated Warrior feature. The Ultimate Warrior composes columns on his own website in a rambling, incoherent style. Bryan will translate these into English and interpret them for the masses. The Warrior's website has been through some tough times. It was only updated recently after it went over two years without a word from the Warrior. Bryan has been through some tough times as well. He has e-mailed the Warrior a dozen times over the last three years and the Warrior has not yet replied. But, Bryan still has faith in his hero. Bryan is used to defending the Warrior against the internet smarks who enjoy bashing him. Anyone entering his website will trigger his defense mechanisms. "Who are you to judge the Warrior?" is his most common retort. Steroids? "So what - everybody does it." What about his match at Halloween Havoc being considered the worst match of all time? The Warrior suffered the arm injury at War Games approximately six weeks before Halloween Havoc so he wasn't a hundred percent. It could have been booked better. The Warrior could have beaten Goldberg first to win the title. Had the match been for the title at HH, it could have been much better. Besides, WCW had great ratings for the night after the match. If you want to blame anybody, blame Hogan. It should be noted that the night after Havoc, 10/26/98 was the last time WCW would ever beat the WWF in the ratings war. However, this could be attributed to the PPV main event match between Goldberg and DDP being shown in full on Nitro. At the PPV, the Hogan/Warrior match not only sucked, but took up too much time. As a result, the Goldberg main event could not be seen by many customers when the PPV cut off at 11 PM. People looking for the moment that WCW jumped the shark should take a good look at that Halloween Havoc PPV. Hogan couldn't set a fireball and nearly set himself on fire. When someone gets close to stealing Hogan's thunder, they mysteriously get pushed one rung down the ladder, while Hogan gets top billing once again. How many times did this happen? Summerslam 90 (when Warrior was supposed to face Earthquake in the main event), Survivor Series 90 (Warrior had to share the end with Hogan), Wrestlemania 91 (Instead of giving Warrior a chance to get the belt back, OH WAIT! Hogan just came back a week ago, let's give it to him!). The Warrior had and still has the potential to out-shine Hogan. But as long as promoters, are ill with Hulk-on-the-brain, athletes like the Warrior will never get the respect they deserve from the public. You may think that the Warrior hasn't wrestled in years, but this is not the case. Just this past Monday he was wrestling in a match against Taz. The Warrior may not be physically wrestling at an actual arena, but at Bryan's website these matches are taking place. His fight against the WWF's Tazz would be too easy. Tazz had lost to Jerry "the King" Lawler and the Ultimate Warrior had destroyed the King only a few years before that. Therefore, by two degrees of separation, the Warrior would destroy Tazz. So, in the interest of fairness Bryan pits the Warrior against the ECW Taz. So, Bryan takes the WM6 Ultimate Warrior and makes the match. "Taz connects with 10 straight suplexes, and covers for a two count. But, the Warrior gets up, shakes the ropes and hits a flying clothesline. He follows up with a gorilla press slam and a running splash for the 3 count. The crowd is going wild. The Warrior has won in just over a minute." Who's next? Goldberg. Not only does he defend the Warrior against fans and other wrestlers. He also defends the Warrior's fans against the Fake Warrior. The Fake Warrior has tried to usurp the true Warrior's identity on many occasions. Here is a transcript of the Fake Warrior infiltrating Bryan's website, slightly modified for the sake of clarity. Many people are convinced that the Ultimate Warrior from Wrestlemania 8 to the present is not the same person as the Wrestlemania 6 Warrior. They are convinced that the new Warrior is a fake Warrior and there is nothing you can do to change their minds. These same people are also convinced that the new Kane is a fake Kane, not the same person as the old Kane. This is different from the fake Undertaker. The Underfaker was really Brian Lee, a different person from the true Undertaker. So while there was a real fake Undertaker, there never was a fake Warrior. The Warrior just lost a lot of weight when he stopped taking steroids causing people to believe he was a different person. There was only one Warrior. Author: The Ultimate Warrior <FAKE&rt; Subject: Should I Return To Titan? Hello Warriors, I am seriously thinking about returning to Titan. I got a call from Pat Patterson last week, and I was offered a lot of money."Money isn't everything""Do it for yourself"I need to know if I should come back or not. Your input would be appreaciated. Always Believe,Warrior Author: Rockers2k Subject: Re: Should I Return To Titan? Hi, Warrior this is one of your biggest fans from this site and all I got to say is YES, you should return to titan. The reason why I'm saying this is maybe because you probably are going to have something good for you in the NOW called WWE. And not only that you should give them a good try again because if you havent read most of the posts from this message board well I know most if them saying that you should return to Titan because that's is your home and that's where your fans want to see you at your very best. Sure you should join Titan again, your fans including your's truly will love to see you back in the ring mainly back on Television, to go up against these new WWE comers. New comer's like Brock Lesnar, The Rock, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Big Show, etc. So I say you should take a chance and maybe who knows you will get more TV time than before and maybe make another movie or the sequel to Firepower. You thought I didn't know about that one huh Warrior. So yes please do it and take good advice from and especially to Byran the owner of this site and all your faithful Fans. P.S. Warrior I know this sounds crazy but can you please read the post that I put up here about your Wrestling boots. And please bring the boots back from wrestlemania 6,7,summerslam 90,and th rest you wore from the beginning of your WWF/E career! Thanks and Yes accept the offer pleeeeease!!! Author: The Ultimate Warrior <FAKE&rt; Subject: Re: Hello The Rockers2k,Obviously, I can't tell anyone what I was offered by Titan, but it was more than 1996 and almost as much as my best year. I am very tempted. Someone from Titan will be visiting me this week about a possible return. "If I do return, I'll be better than before"Obviously it'd be ULTIMATE if I could achieve that. But with the belief "anything is possible"Regarding my boots, I have a big colelction in my wardbrobe. I must have abou sixty pairs in there. I was thinking about selling then or even giving them away. It depends on whether I return or not. If I do come back, I will need my old gear obviously.Anyway Rockers2k1, Thanks for your input. And thanks to everyone who visits this web site. Also Bryan. I can't tell you what a feeling it is to see a web site dedicated to you. Always Believe,Warrior Author: The Rockers2k Subject: Re:Please don't give those boots away Warrior!!!!!! Hi Warrior it is me once again and all I got to say is please don't give those boots away. Most of them look very cool. The once I like the most and would like to see you wear a pair of them again are the ones from: Wrestlemania 6, 7 ,summerslam,90 ,royal rumble 1990, Survivor Series 1990 (the silver ones), from the rampage 1991video tape where you fought Undertaker (they were green and black layers of fringes),and summersalm 1991.I hope you can take this as a request from one of your biggest fans! And please (again) take the offer you have got from Titan again. Your WWF/E theme song is one of the best theme songs that I have ever heard as of yet in pro wrestling and needs to be heard once again.P.S.One more thing do you know Warrior if the movie called Firepower that you were in is going to be out in stores anytime soon or will you have plans on making another movie IF,No I hope you do, return to titan again!!! Author: Bryan S Subject: Re: Should I Return To Titan? You are not Warrior. That said, as much as I would love to see The Warrior back on TV I don't think he should sell out to Vince. And I dont think he ever will as he has too much respect for himself. More power to him. Author: The Rockers2k Subject: Yo Bryan S, what are you talking about! That was The True Ultimate Warrior! That was the Warrior and I can prove it. Everytime he posts something in his website he always starts off by sayin "Hello Warriors" and the way he writes it looked like it definately was from him. Also he even had his Email address attached on his name and like who here can really remember his Email address correctly. Only the True Warrior knows what's going on in his life now and I say that that was him. Who else could even think of typing something like that about the Warrior so Brillantly. Besides didn't you say before Bryan that you send one of those tell a message thingy to his website before and that he most know that this site exists! I say it was Warrior himself all the way!!! Author: Bryan S Subject: Re: Yo Bryan S, what are you talking about!That was The True Ultimate Warrior! Rockers dude, ANYBODY could do what that guy's just done. If somebody started a post with "Finally The Rock has come back to Warrior Central" and finished it off with "If ya smel-l-l-l-l-lll what The Rock is cookin'" would you believe it was The Rock? HELLLLL NO! Well I hope not anyway. Just trust me on this one. That aint Warrior. Sorry to disappoint you. Author: Jeff Subject: Re: Should I Return To Titan? Actually, Bryan, "The Rockers2k" might actually be right as that is the Warrior's e-mail.....you never know Author: Bryan S Subject: That's Enough!!! This whole thing reeks of someone taking the piss. I cant believe you guys are falling for it.I will believe it is the Warrior when he e-mails me from his mrwarrior@earthlink.net address and tells me that it is indeed he who has been posting here. I aint holding my breath though. Some friendly words of warning - DONT Always Believe! Interestingly enough, the appearance of the Fake Warrior has caused the real Ultimate Warrior to come out of hiding. He wanted to rebuke his imposter after hearing about the fake Warrior from many of his fans. The real Warrior has just sent Bryan an e-mail, "Let me be clear, Bryan. I apprecite your being the fan that you were, but I do not go to wrestling websites, chat rooms, etc. I use the internet for constructive actions, and occassionally (such as now, I will reply to an email). Always Believe, Warrior" If you'd like to read the best article ever about the Ultimate Warrior, by Ben Morse, go to http://www.411wrestling.com/columns/article.php?columns_id=1062. If you'd like to e-mail the real Ultimate Warrior, his address is Mrwarrior@earthlink.net. Odds are he won't reply. If you'd like to visit his home unannounced you can go to his listed address at 8711 E. Pinnacle Peak Rd. #185 Scottsdale, AZ 85255. Odds are he'd kick your ass. If you'd like to e-mail the Fake Ultimate Warrior his e-mail address is listed as Mrwarrior@blueyonder.co.uk. Don't know if he'll reply. If you'd like to visit the Ultimate Website by the Ultimate Fan, go to http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion/warrior0. Odds are it has been shut down again by angelfire. Brian Popkin freelance Mail the Author Comment about this article in Wienerville |
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