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Shane Spear




(All rankings through 05.03.02)

Previous Rank: #1 (Four Weeks @ #1)
Last Week: Lost (w/Angle) to Kane & HHH

2. ROB VAN DAM (14-4)
Previous Rank: #2
Last Week: Def. Lance Storm; Def. Lance Storm

3. THE ROCK (7-3)
Previous Rank: #4
Last Week: Injured (Idle)

Previous Rank: #3
Last Week: Lost to Big Show

Previous Rank: #5
Last Week: No Contest v Booker T

6. TRIPLE H (6-4)
Previous Rank: #7
Last Week: Def. (w/Kane) Angle & Jericho; Lost to Angle

7. KANE (6-3)
Previous Rank: #8
Last Week: Def. (w/HHH) Angle & Jericho

8. BILLY (14-2)
Previous Rank: #10
Last Week: Def. (w/Chuck) APA

Previous Rank: #6
Last Week: Idle (Again?)

10. TEST (9-5)
Previous Rank: #12
Last Week: Lost to Edge; Def Hurricane; Def (w/Perfect) S2H & Albert

11. KURT ANGLE (7-9)
Previous Rank: #9
Last Week: Lost (w/Jericho) to HHH & Kane; Def HHH

12. GOLDUST (5-3)
Previous Rank: Unranked
Last Week: Lost to Maven; Def Maven; Def Tajiri; Def

13. CHUCK (12-2)
Previous Rank: #13
Last Week: Def (w/Billy) APA

14. BOOKER T. (7-10)
Previous Rank: #15
Last Week: Def. Scotty 2 Hotty

15. JAZZ (6-2)
Previous Rank: Unranked
Last Week: Def. (w/Dudleyz) Hardyz & Lita; Def Trish


Win/Loss - Billy 14-2
Quality Points - Chris Jericho
Strength of Schedule - Booker T
Fan Votes - Rob Van Dam

ANALYSIS (...And you can't spell it without A-N-A-L)
Another week, another set of rankings. Not too much movement in the upper rankings. Chris Jericho suffered a tag team loss on Smackdown, which ended up moving him closer than he's ever been with his nearest rival for the top spot. It is possible that if Jericho has another rough week, the Undisiputed Champion may lose his number one seeding.

The guy giving him trouble is of course Rob Van Dam. A couple of excellant matches this week with Lance Storm. The only thing that may have kept him out of the top spot is that Storm isn't doing so well this year, and he brings down RVD's schedule. Not that this matter much when you haven't lost in nearly a month. Other fun fact on our doobie-smoking friend, I found it interesting that everybody complains that by leaping to the top turnbuckle, RVD kinda no-sells the entire match. Hopefully last night's RAW proved that RVD does climb when he needs to, and I personally thought he did a hell of a sell job.

The Rock slides into the third spot based on William Regal's loss. Going into that match the Big Show was winless. Not exactly impressing the computer ratings Regal. Upon that result, Regal and Rock swap for the week. We'll also have to see what happens upon the return of both Rocky and Regal from the Asia tour this Thursday.

We can skip over Austin, HHH, and Kane because there's really no big surprise there. But check out Billy moving up the chart. The fact is that if we went of stats along, he now has enough power to be either number one or two, depending on how Jericho did on that day. His partner Chuck is having a bit of a tougher time, not having the singles wins that Billy picked up earlier in the year.

Speaking of good fortunes, Booker T may have lost a shampoo deal, but he has a four game winning streak. He also caught a little bit of good luck with the nWo saving him on RAW. He seems to be heading towards Wrestlemania with Edge. The wins are falling into place for both wrestlers, as Edge just barely missed this week to Jazz.

Jazz, along with Goldust, DID bust in with some good win. Simple enough for Jazz with a sly DQ pickup on RAW and a tag team win on Smackdown. Goldust, however, had a rough start to the week. After jobbing to Maven, he made a chuck-up on the kid, only to swipe the title from the little used 24/7 rule. He really couldn't defend the title on Heat (think about it,) but did beat Tazz on RAW in rather easy fashion. Not something to ignore seeing that Tazz was ranked at the time.

For an detailed explanation for the categories please check the first set of href="">rankings.

PDF UPDATE: Shut Up. I'm working on it.

Until next time...these numbers don't lie.

Super Shane Spear
[slash] wrestling

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