was the best of times,
it was the worst of times..
As winter turns to Spring and the death of a
well loved family pet turns to Mystery Meat lasagna, so does
the loss of some of wrestling's Greats give us
pause to consider
the benefits and opportunities that might arise
from the apparent
first, Hey Mick Foley, can I see your wife's
I the only one getting sick and tired of Mick Foley?
It's bad enough that both his books were nothing
but 400 pages
of Mick patting himself on the back and saying how pissed
he is over the fact that the Rock wouldn't let Mick
run his character for him, but does the tubby Jobber have
to stink up Raw with his "buy my book"
worse than that, does he have to be such a
He devotes the entire last part of his book to
how "unfair"
the press is to the WWF, and how he disapproves,
dammit, of all the sleaze in wrestling... then
the smug little
lardball shows up on Raw and sets up a bra and panties

I coudn't even fit his entire ass
into the picture. |
I'm not against the match per se, (okay, so I am, but
that's another
issue) but this is the same Mick Foley that writes
about how indignant
and enraged he became (his only two emotions other than
greed, apparently)
when a Fed official dared suggest that his wife Collette
might appear as one of the Godfather's Hos? Oh, I get it-
it's okay to objectify Trish Stratus, but not
I see it differently. As Mick makes sure we know, Collette
is quite the hot little number, and I personally want to see her
oiled, heaving buttcheeks spanked by Lita. So how about
it Mick, you toothless churl? Oh, and as an added
bonus, you could
let your kids be ringside for it. And in closing, you
really ought
to thank the Gods that you turned your talent for
falling off things
into a million dollar career. Enough of you, fat man. Begone from
my TV set. And "Christmas Chaos" sucked,
is gone... ...which
means Scott Keith's diatribes masquerading as recaps. Hey,
I got nothing against Scott Keith, except for the fact that the
larcenous bastard apparently keeps threatening to steal the name
of MY FUTHERMUCKING COLUMN for some book he's writing. But still,
Z never once told me how to feel about a match. That's just about
all that Keith does. Oh well.
of Z: I personally hope we'll see him around his own
site more now.
:) I understand that he probably wants some time off, but dammit,
doesn't he realize that I have no life and I need him
to amuse me?
Come to think of it, he probably realizes the "Y Pac has no
life" part all too well.
Triple H is gone...
you believe that some people are saying his injury was a Work? I
think they took the Z Theory ("If it's on TV, it's
a Work")
just a little too seriously. Here's the difference
folks: they didn't
sell H}{H's injury the night it happened. Had it
been a work,
they would have. And no, Sid's broken leg wasn't a Work either.
Neither was Hardcore Holly's broken arm, or
William Regal's
black eye, courtesy of Al Snow.
all common sense is gone...
I'm over at Wrestling Observer, and I read a column where
the... uh, "writer" is the term I guess...
says that Benoit/Jericho's
recent losses to Austin are proof of the dreaded Glass
Ceiling. I suppose I shouldn't even bother pointing out that
the title never changes hands on Free TV these days, and
I suppose I also shouldn't point out that Benoit/Jericho are main
eventing every week now... no, that'd be too much like
and "reason", two things ya just don't see
much of these
days in wrestling commentary.
let's think about this here. Is winning the Championship Belt the
-only- measure of how much you're appreciated? In that
case, Benoit
should of been happy as a clam at WCW, no? If
main eventing,
holding the Championship belt, having great matches and selling
tons of merchandise are considered 'being held down' then every
wrestler should aspire to being 'held down' like Benoit
and Jericho.
it for this week, folks. I hope you dig the new format-
I'm trying
to add new links and funkycool stuff all the time. If
you like it,
let me know.