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/Armageddon Results

WWF Armageddon



WWF Armageddon
National Car Rental Center
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Announced attendance: 17,054

  • Tag team battle royal - for a title shot at Royal Rumble
    • Rodney & Pete Gas eliminated (1'51")
    • Godfather eliminated Head Banger Mosh (2'38")
    • Acolytes eliminated Mark Henry (3'19")
      Godfather was Henry's partner
    • Edge & Christian eliminated Too Cool (4'48")
    • Dudley Boyz eliminated Edge (6'09")
    • Matt Hardy eliminated D-Von Dudley (7'52")
    • Faarooq eliminated Jeff Hardy (10'55")

  • Kurt Angle (German suplex -> pin 6'56") Steve Blackman
  • Four-Way Evening Gown Match in a Pool
    • Jacqueline eliminated (0'40")
    • B.B. eliminated (1'32")
    • Ivory eliminated (2'58")
    Miss Kitty becomes women's Champion - then shows us her tits

  • Hollys (Hardcore 4'24") Rikishi Phatu & Viscera
  • Val Venis (Money Shot -> pin 8'19") British Bulldog & D'Lo Brown
    • Venis wins first European Championship

  • Locked Steel Cage Match
      Kane (Tombstone -> pin 8'14") X-Pac
  • Chris Jericho (Walls of Jericho 10'21") Chyna
      Jericho becomes Intercontinental Champion
  • Mankind & Rock (DQ 16'26") New Age Outlaws
      Outlaws keep tag team championship thanks to Al Snow's interference
  • WWF Champion Big Show (ahhhhTHECHOKESLAAAAAAM -> pin 3'12") Big Bossman
  • Triple H (29'45") Vince McMahon
      Triple H earns a title shot - after the match, Stepahnie McMahon revealed an allegiance to Helmsley.



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