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/Fall Brawl Results

WCW Fall Brawl



  • Rey Mysterio Jr. & Eddie Guerrero & Kidman (14'13" shooting star press -> pin) Vampiro & Insane Clown Posse
  • World Cruiserweight Champion Lenny (12'10" Memory Lane -> pin) Kaz Hayashi
  • Brian Knobbs & Hugh Morrus (9'23" No Laughing Matter -> pin) Dean Malenko & Shane Douglas
  • World Television Champion Rick Steiner (9'24" top-rope bulldog -> pin) Perry Saturn
  • Berlyn (8'00" reverse neckbreaker -> pin) Hacksaw Jim Duggan
    • Duggan subbed for Buff Bagwell, who arrived after the match - too late
  • Harlem Heat (13'07" Booker T. missile dropkick -> pin) Kendall & Barry Windham
    • Booker T. & Stevie Ray win ninth tag team championship
  • Sid Vicious (11'48" powerbomb -> pin) Chris Benoit
    • Vicious wins United States Heavyweight Championship
  • Goldberg (9'04" Jackhammer -> pin) Diamond Dallas Page

  • Sting (13'55" baseball bat -> Scorpion Deathlock) Hulk Hogan
    • Sting's sixth WCW championship and ninth World title - did he just turn on Hogan?



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