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WWF No Way Out



Weider Sports Nutrition presents WWF No Way Out 2001
Thomas & Mack Center
Las Vegas, NV

  • Billy Gunn (2'28" Fame-Asser -> pin) Raven
      Gunn wins second hardcore championship as scheduled Raven/Show match devolves into six-way chaos including Crash, Steve Blackman and Hardcore Holly
  • Raven (1'00") Gunn
      Raven wins tenth hardcore championship
  • Big Show (0'53" chokeslam on trashcan -> pin) Raven
      Show wins first hardcore championship
  • Fatal four-way - first fall wins
    Intercontinental champion Chris Jericho (12'18" bridge) X-Pac & Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit
  • Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley (8'31") Trish Stratus
  • 2 out of 3 falls
    • Stone Cold Steve Austin (12'22" Stone Cold Stunner -> pin) Triple H
    • Street Fight: Triple H (28'11" sledgehammer to the head -> Pedigree -> pin) Austin
    • Cage Match: Triple H (39'28") Austin
  • Steven Richards (5'33") Jerry Lawler
  • Triple Threat Table Match
    Tag Team champions Dudley Boyz (12'04" Dudley Death Drop) Christian & Edge & Kane & Undertaker
  • The Rock (16'54" two Rock Bottoms -> pin) Kurt Angle
      Rock wins record-setting sixth WWF championship - will face Austin at WrestleMania



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