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WWF Superstars by The Cubs Fan




(I missed the) Open. Your host is Chris Leary.

Today - Booker T and the Rock, Kurt Angle and Steve Austin - previews of the two big matchups at SummerSlam. Also, will a back injury end a Tough Enough hopefuls dream? And, the WWF reads to kids.

But first, the Alliance vs the WWF. Sean Stasiak tries to make an impression, and doesn't. Later on Kurt Angle and RVD fight and all sorts of people show up. RVD gets his rematch tonight. Meanwhile, Stephanie sends Rhyno after Jericho, and combining that with the other match, we get this tag match on Smackdown (Leary helpfully points out that the 24/7 rule is waved till SummerSlam.) Here are some replays. Jeff adds ladders to the match. (5:09) RVD and Jeff Hardy in a hardcore ladder match tonight. Going back to the tag match again, Jericho almost gets Stephanie, but then Rhyno almost gets both of them. (:15) Will she be able to escape tonight? Will Jericho be able to beat Rhyno for the first time? There's still some tickets available for RAW and Smackdown, if you're in the area.

Still to come, a preview of the WWF Title match, but next, Undertaker and Kane look to settle the score with DDP and Kanyon.  

Nothing Wrong With Me (3)

RC Carnage Cage Match of Monday

So, like we just showed you, Undertaker and Kane made example of the two Power Plant boys, and now advance to a match at SummerSlam against DDP and Kanyon. Here's a look back on how we got here. (2:10) "DDP has no way to escape in a cage match" (ummm) and Taker has a long and destructive history in cage matches.

Still to come, the first ever Lights Out match (on Smackdown), but next, the Tough Enough crew keeps on keeping on.

You hear how Stacy Keibler made a cameo in Bubble Boy? Here's a clip. (:27) You could save $7.50 and just watch Stacy wrestle on Heat (although it won't be mud wrestling there, probably) as she teams with Torrie and Ivory to take on Lita and Jackie in a handicap match. Which federation has the most dominant females? Find on Heat, on MTV.

Speaking of MTV, here's some Tough Enough clips from this week's show. (2:20

Coming up, Austin takes the WWF to Stone Cold U, but class is interrupted. 

Nothing Wrong With Me (4)  

Austin has become a real leader of the Alliance in the past few weeks, but he's been unhappy with a few people's performance. This led to something on RAW that led to something on Smackdown. If Angle locks on the anklelock tonight, we've got a new champion. (7:52)

Coming up, the WWF goes to the library. But next, the first ever Lights Out Match.

Slim Jim Book Ends of last Monday.

Booker T is jealous of the Rock and that's why he used that move, okay? And then he mocked the Rock on Smackdown. And then more things happen. And then a match. (4:28) Will Thursday be repeated tonight? The Rock returns to PPV!

Still to come, a(nother) preview of the big WWF match. But next, the WWF encourages people to read.

When waiting around for something to do before the show, some WWF superstars will sit around looking at books in case the WWF needs to shoot a feature about the WWF needs some footage encouraging reading among children. Isn't it odd the only four people we show reading are the four people who we show going to the libraries? Molly Holly has reading glasses and reads "[something] of Dating." Chris Jericho reads to a crowd outside. Molly reads to a group inside a library while Spike Dudley seems bored. Lita reads outside. There's Spike reading. Hey, that's Linda McMahon - this is the kickoff for "Teen Read Week", which will be in October but they're trying to get people motivated now. She does not mention the divorce. Chris Jericho wears a Spiderman shirt and reads "The Outsiders." Lita talks about how great a library is, and how fun it was to read to the kids. Lita's reading Billy Goat Gruff. Patrick J. Kennedy (US Congressman) are showing how reading is cool. Dig. Spike talks about feeling like he's doing something helpful. Wait, this is the one in Illinois and said Terri was gonna be there and not Molly - I would have so totally found a way to get there if I'd known. Bummer. (Surf's up! Dude! Losing my mind!) Molly says it was really great. Look at all the little kids. Spike reads the Outsiders too. Lita makes a cliffhanger. (~4:00)

Mick Foley also has visited a library - he's wrote some books or something. This is all reminding me that I need a new library card, so I guess I owe the WWF one. Anyway, Foley's moved from the world of writing to the world of killing machines - Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors premiers Monday! Check it out, right before RAW, on TNN.

Up next, Kurt Angle has his sights set on Steve Austin. Music video to come!

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Here's a special musical look at what led up to Kurt Angle vs Steve Austin. (3:22) Here's the graphic and song ONE MORE TIME. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Also, Booker T vs the Rock. It's all a part of SummerSlam, TONIGHT! Heat will get you ready for the show, with all the last second developments.

"And now, we'd like to take a moment to thank all the fans for fifteen great years of WWF Superstars. This is the last episode. But don't worry, because we're simply moving to Saturday nights, beginning this week! That's right, we'll see you Saturday night for a new two hour show called WWF Excess, hosted by Trish Stratus and the Coach! Excess will be totally interactive, with you the fans able to call in or e-mail questions. And our special guest on the premier, none other than Triple H. Bet the Game has a lot on his mind regarding everything that's gone down in the WWF since his horrible injury. That's WWF Excess, live, this Saturday night for two hours right here on TNN! Don't miss the premier episode, right here on TNN."

WWF Superstars
(1986 - 2001)

The Cubs Fan
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