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The Lines

Robert Ortega



Continental Airlines Arena; East Rutherford, New Jersey

8Nov011SD(04:43)2v2TagWCWTagTeamTitles-G1451-2-12-2-E-12-2DudleyDeathDrop-Pin;Moderately paced, slightly above basic, fair
8Nov012SD(02:54)SinglesWWFICTitle-G2402-1-2-1-E-2-1BigBoot-Pin;Offhand could not see a title change, not very drawing
8Nov013SD(04:32)SinglesWCWChampionship-G160#12-2-1*2*1*DQ(The Rock);Best of SD only a little above average;post match was key
8Nov01ASD(00:27)Singles(Premise)--NoContest/NonMatchAmbushSetUp;Non match segment, no rating; sets up later segment.
8Nov014SD(03:41)2v2IntergenderTag252-14Moonsault-Pin;Very one sided, possible purposes for match shaky.
8Nov015SD(02:55)Singles352-1-2-1Unprettier-Pin;Not enticing, basic; needed much more to work at all
8Nov016SD(06:58)2v1Handicap4013-2-1-2-E-12RollUp-Pin;Outcomes rather foreseeable; no great draw power here.

MOMENTUM KEY:(*) Denotes Interference (E) Denotes Even Momentum ; numbers to reflect substantial momentum changes or consistencies.
# (3SD) denotes :42 of pre-match action not counted in match time.

FINISH: Final move/ incident (in favor of) brief comment
RATINGS: The problem with most ratings is that despite efforts to be objective, they are all too arbitrary in the end. I can best explain by ratings system as a mix of the following; most of the weight falls on the substance of the match itself (including mechanics, basic ring psychology, the story it advances to an extent, the placement and execution of high spots). The other main component is the finish and sometimes the immediate aftermath. This tries to account for the questions: did it seem feasible? was it unexpected? did it in and of itself move along a story line? do the wrestler's execute well enough that regardless of who wins, the finish is enjoyable. Based on that it is apparent, perhaps painfully so that some wrestler mixes are bound for higher numbers while others will barely break mediocre numbers. This seems insufficient, so if I think of a better way to explain it, I will gladly do so.


1SD 1. APA with Jacqueline (Faarooq PINNED)       2. Dudley Boyz with Stacy Keibler (D-VON PINS)
2SD 1. Test                                       2. Matt Hardy 
3SD 1. Booker T                                   2. The Rock      
ASD 1. William Regal (Ambush by Alliance members) 2. Big Show 
4SD 1. Jeff Hardy and Lita (PINS)                 2. Lance Storm and Ivory (PINNED)
5SD 1. Christian                                  2. Tajiri with Torrie Wilson
6SD 1. Undertaker                                 2. Kurt Angle and Stone Cold Steve Austin (PINNED)

BREAKDOWNS: 6 Matches and 1 NoContest/Non Match (26:10) about 21.8 % of showtime; AverageMatchRating (6 Matches) 40.8 Overall show rating: approximately 35

    Interpromotional Matches, 6; WCW/ECW wins (3, 0 by DQ); WWF wins (3, 1 by DQ); no contests/ non matches (1).
    Personal Best Match of the night: 3 SD Booker T v. The Rock (60)
    Personal Worst Match of the night: 4 SD Jeff Hardy and Lita v. Lance Storm and Ivory (25)
    3 Singles (2 Title Matches), 2 Tag (1 Title Match); 1 Handicap (2v1)
    3 instances of interference (1 meaningful , Rob Van Dam (3))
      3 SD *Chris Jericho *Chris Jericho *Rob Van Dam
    Title Changes: 0
    Turns: None, but a lot of intrapromotional strife.
    Show assessment: Poor overall showing.


First Match: Have seen this combo before but still workable in some respect. Bradshaw's antic with Stacy was probably one of the high marks of the contest which does not bode well for this. Basic moves executed fairly with common set up for double team finish. Watchable but better was possible and expected here.

Second Match: Really could not see Matt winning this one at all with the prospect of an IC Title match seemingly in the works for Survivor Series (premised on RAW IC match) so that was a minus. Mismatch of size and style could have been overcome and maybe overlooked. Borderline fair and looking elsewhere for better.

Third Match: This was my personal best match of the night and yet itself was not as compelling as a true match of the night should have been. This excludes Jericho's interference and Rob Van Dam's post match execution. Even so, with Booker T and Rock matching up, the prospects alone should have at least led to something better than what was given.

Non-Match (ASD): This segment, which was to prepare Big Show's late entry into the main event at Survivor Series seemed quite mishandled and sloppy. To be a credible entrant, Big Show's build up should have been bigger than this counter-ambush demonstration. Still better for him to be in than Vince McMahon so that's a plus. No rating as this was a non-match.

Fourth Match: If this match was to build and/or demonstrate a Jeff-Lita in-ring chemistry, the premise somewhat makes the baseline, but by how much is totally arbitrary (for me, just barely as I tend to give things the benefit of the doubt). Match was not shining save a little double-teaming action which could not save this at all. Dismissible.

Fifth Match: Premise was sloppy to begin with, showing that even sometimes no premise (interpromotional competition aside) can be better than a sloppy one. Match was not totally horrible but both were capable of more based on past performances. Iffy, but not the worst of the night.

Sixth Match: With the Intra Alliance conflict theme persistent throughout the show, it was quite obvious that an Austin-Angle piece was next. Common incident set up the roll up pin finish which lacked any real excitement. Handicap contests are usually skewed a bit in terms of balance so that was expected here.

1. Offhand disturbances; longest match was 6:58, only 3 matches in the first 1ç hours of the show.
2. Choices other than Big Show seem more appealing for Team WWF, but again, better than Vince McMahon in the match; now who takes Shane's place, if anyone?
3. What ever happened to Trish-Jeff combo? Not like either Hardy would have deserved who they would have, but it would have been better than this current storyline.
4. WWF is losing ground entering the stretch to Survivor Series which is dismal considering that it theoretically has no one to lose ground to.
4A WWF show scores since No Mercy (CURRENT 35,50, 70, 55, 65, 75 NO MERCY). 2 shows remain.
5. To anyone who reads this, if you would like to contribute your own ratings so that this might reflect a consensus rather than a single opinion, e-mail me.
5A. As a corollary, if anyone would like to suggest something to add to the lines, also e-mail me.

Robert Ortega, Jr.
[slash] wrestling

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