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WCW Thunder |
MainBLAH |
I got this press release from Jeff Gourlay - I haven't
seen it elsewhere
on the 'Net, so I guess it's MY EXCLUSIVE!!
NEWS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE On the May 1st edition of WCW Nitro, shown on Time-Warner's cable channel TNT, Tony Schiavonne, AKA You Sunnuvabitch, one of the alleged commentators for said program, stated that Eric Bischoff, an executive employed by Time-Warner in a WCW-related capacity, was not the "Knute Freakin Rockne of professional wrestling", but was more like the "Woody Hayes" of professional wrestling. Given the nature of this blasphemy, the "Buckeye Union of Concerned Knuckleheads" (BUCKs) has no choice but to issue a declaration of jihad against Mr Schiavonne. Members of the faithful who take this duty upon themselves should be aware that Mr Schiavonne is not to be killed, but instead just bitchslap him for about 5 minutes like it was your job.
You know, it's my civic duty as a citizen of this
great nation to help
complete strangers point out to the world that sometimes, you can go over
Bob Ryder's line. Slamming *THE GREAT Woody Hayes* is just too
(Who's Woody Hayes, anyway?)
A Live Nitro report from Moses is up next: I was second row ringside for Nitro. First let me tell you the barn was empty brother. WWF does not have a seat to spare while nitro couldnt even get close to selling out the second level of three. Amazing. One thing that struck me as dangerous was sting coming out of the rafter. The rope came right in front of us. The guy in front of me grabbed the rope and no one stopped him . He dropped it when sting got near him but it could have been nasty. Hogan got huge pops, crowd went nuts when Hogan delivered the big boot . Kidman drew good heat. One thing that was funny . Arquett drew heat from the smart fans. We cussed him pretty good. Letting him know we were not happy him holding the strap. Kanyon gave us a smile as to say (at a boy) . The fan that jumped the rope sat next to me. He waited to the last thirty minutes to don the shirt and sting mask. I dont think he was too stable and you are right the were stunned till he took off the mask, and they worked him over good after they got a hold of him. I talked with the guy he was with. (His brother) he said I dont know what the hell he was thinking. I told him he needs to get bail money together. The red stuff covered us . Red and extremly sticky. We are sending WCW the bill. Hogan completly sold the part and was very impressive. Only thing that disapointed was Flair didnt get to work the mic. Thanks and I enjoy reading your articles.
Thank YOU for the insight! Our readers make
WrestleManiacs great! That's
not sarcasm!
Okay, my turn...settle in, it could get bumpy!
Oh, damn! "Ripley's Believe It Or Not! will not be seen
tonight, so we may bring you a special presentation of WCW Thunder.
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! will return next week at its regularly
scheduled time." By God, they ARE making Thunder special! It said so
WCW logo - TV-PG-DLV ratings box
Nitro "highlights" - close captioned logo means you can read what was said
about two cuts ago at any given time
Opening credits - Oklahoma's out, Awesome is in. Also they've superimposed
some new numbers near the end - it's kinda neat
Light the pyro, we are on tape from the "legendary" Mid-South Colesium in
Memphis, TN 3.5.2K (taped 2.5) and already, something's afoot...
Backstage, the unblinking eye of the WCW camers has caught the
Millionaire's Club (and Friends) ... lying in wait for Bischoff, apparently.
Your hosts are the AWESOME
3. Why does Tony keep saying "War Zone?"
Everybody knows that's on USA Mondays at 10! It's the last chance to sell
Slamboree (the Legends' Reunion) and everybody's got an opinion!
Back we go to that shot - everyone looks EXACTLY the same. Horace is
manning the door, and he says he spots them arriving.
We cut to a shot outside the big metal door, where a black limousine
arrives. When a honk of the horn fails to get the door open, the driver
exits and knocks. The door slowly raises - and the limo is rushed .
Bischoff, Russo and Jarrett...I think Bagwell...all go down to the numbers.
Security is attempting to break things up - hey, let's take an ad break.
It's ONLY been five minutes, after all.
THIS portion of WCW Thunder on TBS is brought to you by Castrol Motor Oily!
Here's WesternUnionSlamboree ad #1 - I sure hope they show it at least four
more times! Arquette has been added to the mix
Moments ago - three paragraphs ago - oh, I see, Bischoff and Russo had the
limo, along with Jarrett - looks like Bagwell and Douglas were in the car
right behind them...eh, who cares.
Back to "real time," where Russo walks into the office to see Vampiro,
Kidman, Wall, Stasiak, Steiner and Candido and Tammy, throws a tantrum,
then tells them all to walk out with him. Yup, they're all WALKING!
As "Iron Man Riff And Other Stuff" plays, out comes VIC VENOM and the
BLOOD ORDER. Who haven't I mentioned
yet? Awesome, Liz (with security in
tow - but wait..on Monday...eh, screw it), and Cat's out there (but
he...eh, screw it). Russo's gonna speak! "Cut the damn music!
Millionaire's Club, are you guys kidding me or what? Eric, do they know
who we are? We are not here to play games! So I'll tell ya what, bring
your asses out to that stage now, every single one of you pieces of scum."
"American Made" plays and Douglas gets first mute of the night, even as
Russo is watching his language. Here's the MILLIONAIRE'S CLUB, HUGH
The mic is in the hands of Ric Flair. "Kill that pathetic music! You know
what? These people cheer you 'cause they're scum - just like every one of
you! And Flair, I'll come up there and smack that smile off your face!
You guys wanna gang war tonight? Well that's exactly what we're gonna do.
Me and the boys, we're gonna go to war tonight. So what I'm gonna do, I'm
gonna take off my boots, and put every one o' your names in that boot. And
one by one, the New Blood, they're gonna pick out a name, and they're gonna
beat your sorry asses individually. But, we're gonna do it MY way tonight
- tonight, NEW YORK RULES - and what that means is, there are no rules.
There are no referees - you beat the guy, you count it. Whaddaya say,
Slick (Dick)?" "Have you really taken time to take a look at who you're
talkin' to, dip(shit)? [unintelligible] woooo! Vince, Vince, Vince by God
Russo, you are looking and talking to a collection of the greatest
wrestlers that ever lived, woooo! And yes, we accept your challenge! But
one difference - we're gon' take that boot and shove it up your (ass)" and
they storm the ring. Of course, the first guys to bolt are Russo, Bischoff
and Kimberly. Security and cops get involved. Page is shoving cops! Hey,
how about another ad break?
There's a new WCW MasterCard ad! It features Buff Bagwell. Card designs
shown are Goldberg, WCW, NWO, Sting, Nash and Bagwell.
The 1-800-COL-LECT replay is an overhead shot of the brawl in the ring,
Bischoff and Kimberly running off, and several othe rangles of random
with New York Rules - there's our first airbrushed
sign of the night. "I'm
gonna make this short and sweet - Chris Kanyon, surprise, surprise - the
Chosen One has hand picked your slap ass to kick tonight. And it ain't
just me that you got heat with, you Hollywood wannabe - Kim right here
wants me to leave you flat on your back, just like she did to her used up
husband. Now get your slapass out here Kanyon, so I can kick it." "Oh
Page, honey - Page...I've been talking to Eric Bischoff a lot lately, and
the more I listen to him, the more I understand that...you are just not
good enough for Kimberly - I mean, look at me - young, talented, educated,
exceendinglybeautifulandagreatsenseofstyle. And look at you - a bar
bouncin' bum from Nowheresville - I mean, face it - everything you've ever
achieved in the wrestling business has been because of Eric Bischoff. And
everything you've ever become as a man - is becuase of *me*. You know,
when you think about it, you're really just as lame as all these wrestling
*marks* out here - and just like them, ya really don't deserve me, so what
you need to do is just goaheadandgothroughthedivorceandgetonwithyourlife
because we need to start thinking about what's really impor-tant.
MEEEEEE." Kimberly wears a shirt with her name on it, just in case she
happens to forget it because someone's changed the air in her head. Kanyon
runs out and they brawl out on the floor for a while, go into the ring for
a while, the ginat flying Slamboree logo flies in and proclaims "4 days
until." Kanyon innovates a top-rope Rocker Dropper, which gets a "what a
move" call from Schiavone. Jarrett avoids another top rope leap and Kanyon
hits hard, then rolled outside. Jarrett follows and it's time for
some more brawling. Jarrett finds a chair and swings it. I wonder if a
guitar will be used. Kanyon with a swinging neckbreaker. Right, right, in
the corner for the Ten Punch Count Along. Head to the mat. And now, for
no apparent reason, "Smells Like Self High Five" is over the PA - whoops,
it's aburptly cut off - whoops, DIAMOND
DALLAS PAGE has *magically*
materialised in the ring following a brief crowd shot - what is this, TBS
or TSN? Diamond Cutter for Jarrett - Kanyon covers and counts his own
three. (3:35?) Kimberly
is apparently laying in the ring but the editing
(lots of crowd shots and strange angles) prevents us from seeing what was
probably an errant kabong or something. Hell, go read the spoilers, it's
probably covered in there.
Russo turns to the Wall, and tells him not to disappoint him. But first,
these words.
WCW Magazine ad
WesternUnionSlamboree ad #2
York Rules table match - highlights of
Wall's non-Russo, non-Bischoff push are shown, which one would THINK would
guarantee his loss tonight. Let Us Take You Back to Nitro where Package
looked for Russo, Liz took the bat to Russo, then slapped him, but for some
reason ended up back with Russo tonight. Tenay tries to offer an
explanation, God bless him, by saying she's contractually obligated to WCW.
Before this match starts, Russo's music (Russo has music) starts, and
VENOM comes out, along with LIZ & HER SECURITY. Wall
starts a punchin' and
a kickin' and it's on. We're not a whopping twenty seconds in before "Also
Sprach Zarayouspellit" plays and THE
MAN comes out to take FIFTH headset,
as Russo had taken the fourth one just a bit earlier. Flair says he's only
here to make sure Russo doesn't interfere in tonight's match. Russo
yammers and Flair tells him to shut up, he's not giving the Package his
moment. What's the difference between these two? Flair puts over Package,
while Russo puts over his confrontation with Flair this Sunday. Russo
finally says "Wall." To the outside we go - Package whips Wall into the
barricade, but he doesn't feel it at all - back to Package, whose back is
turned - Flair crawling over the commentary table to help, but Russo takes
his bat to Flair's back - then hands it to Wall. Before he can use it,
though, Package Racks him. Russo takes the bat and gets Package in the
ribs...but as he falls, he drops Wall through a table to win the match!
(3:40?) Russo
invites Miss Elizabeth and her entourage into the ring and
takes the mic. "Lookat the two o' ya's! Flair - right now! Come into my
ring! Let's do the five minutes right now - let's go!" Does Russo's watch
even GO to five minutes? Flair gets up from Package's side, removes his
coat, and gets in the ring. "You're a dead man, brother!" but Russo puts
uses Elizabeth as a shield. Liz strikes back when her trick knee acts up -
Flair quickly dispatches the two security guys and gets Russo ready for the
figure four - but before he can do it, BAGWELL & DOUGLAS hit the
and take out Flair. Wall and Package are still brawling on the outside,
apparently. Here's KRONYKK,
who take out Bagwell & Douglas - Russo and Liz
have taken off - now we play THEIR music as THOSE four guys walk off. Now
ANOTHER tune starts up - and here's the owner of that music,
"Oh, Nature Boy, you need to get your sorry ass up, because - well, it
looks like I drew your name. So Naitch, if you can get your old body up,
tonight, I'm gonna make you famous!" As Kidman walks the aisle...we'll be
right back after these words.
York Rules - 2:30 worth of
commercials, and we're back to see Flair chopping away, whip into the
corner is reversed, Kidman with a dropkick - climbing to the top - missile
dropkick! Right, right, right, pose. Right, Kidman puts Flair on top,
punch, punch, climbing up for a superplex - HIT IT! Kidman with a
.....punch. Right. Right. Into the corner, FLAIR FLIP! Flair goes to
the outside - FLAIR FLOP! Kidman shouts to the commentators - Flair with a
chop when he turns back around. Kidman back on Flair with a clubbing
forearm to the back - rolled back into the ring. Right, scoop - and a
slam. Kidman to the outside - back in over the top with a guillotine
legdrop. "Come on, Hogan!" The punching continues..."Kidman Sux" chant.
Commentators wonder where Torrie's gone. Kidman to the top - but the
splash MISSES! Kidman struts - parts the legs and stomps on the jewels.
Chop! Chop! Right! Chop! Well now RAYMOND STEREO & KONNAN have
hit the
ring - Mysterio dropkicks the back of the knees, and the doubleteam stomp
is on. We check out the crowd for a spell - now "Theme from Wolfpac" plays
and out comes KEVIN NASH, whom we haven't seen all night. After some
bumbling, Rey gets shoved into Nash, and goes down. Konnan rushes him, and
goes down. Tony: "Big, bad, and SEXY!" Kidman made his escape - don't know
WHERE Flair went - truckstop powerbomb for Konnan! As Kidman goes to
leave, YOU KNOW
surprises him with a fist - hey, play his music! All
the way to the ring we go - is Hogan delivering Kidman to Nash? To Flair?
Hard to say as Mysterio pulls him out. Hey, there's some more music - ahh,
JUSTIN CREDIBLE - Nash and Hogan
overpower him - into the ropes, double big boot, another jackknife
powerbomb from Nash! Flair and Hogan embrace - now Nash and Hogan each
raise an arm of Flair. (who can say - around 6, whatever it
was). Looks
like Nash is going to say something witty. "I hate to inform ya, Nature
Boy, but the winner of the match, due to outside interference...Mike
Awesome." Then they all share a hearty chuckle! Nash's music plays again
and Nash chops his crotch - somehow this does NOT get edited.
Hey Vampiro, talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse!
Seems to me that Awesome's been TOTALLY wasted - unless, of course, we were
all WRONG about the ECW World Heavyweight Champion being a PPV draw
against, say, Nash or Hogan. Who knows? Maybe we were.
Slamboree ad #3
Moments Ago, Nash powerbombed Awesome - from three different angles! Mike:
"That's payback, Millionaire's Club Style!"
ratings box) v. JOBBIN' VAMPIRO with
New York Rules - Before the match even starts,
sneaks up
behind Vampiro - apparently, he did something really sneaky, but with OUR
camera angle, we missed it - which can only mean it must have been REALLY
hokey if they didn't want US to see it! After some brawling, Sting dumps a
bucket of red stuff on Vampiro. Then he puts him in the ring for
Page to hit a Diamond Cutter and count his own
pinfall. (:15?) Then,
something REALLY crazy happens! Sting tells us to start calling him
"Gangrel!" It's so WEIRD!!
Promotional consideration paid for by Slim Jim (no Savage), Boston Market
freezer chicken, Croissant Pockets from Hot Pockets, America (ha!) Online,
Super Soaker, and WCW Powerslam Wrestlers (lotsa Sid)!
Close captioning made available by Meineke Discount Muffler Shops!
Vampiro T-shirt ad - suitable for running across a graveyard breathing
heavily - or jobbing
Russo does a lot of shouting to his troops
Meanwhile, the guys who have been winning all night are pretty happy about
CREDIBLE comes out, STILL selling the
powerbomb! This man is a *professional*, baby! Wonder what he's got to
say? "Well well well...whaddaya know, I drew Sting's name out of boot
tonight! Tonight, Stinger, whether you're coming from the front door, the
back door, the side door, the rafters, wherever, why don't you just fly
your fat man ass on down here?" Hey, looks like ANOTHER Awesome match that
apparently has no potential for pay-per-view. Play the Metallica and
thunder sound effect and lightning light, for (THIS IS) STING. Kick,
club, club, right, right, into the opposite corner, followup clothesline,
scoop - and a slam, off the ropes - Awesome splash! Trying to cover but
his back still hurts (sell it, Mike!) - Sting out before one count. Both
men back up - kick by Awesome, chop by Sting, right, kick, kick, kick,
kick, kick, on the second turnbuckle in the corner for a Ten Punch Count
Along. Atomic drop. SLAMBOREE 4 DAYS UNTIL SLAMBOREE! Awesome taken
outside, and Awesome takes a breather. Hey, LASH LeROUX, CHAVO GUERRERO
JNR and VAN HAMMER in the front row - I guess the
Power Plant guys gave up
their tickets! After a tripleteam beatdown after they fly over the rail,
he's put back into the ring - Stinger splash! How about two! Scorpion
Deathlock coming up - Awesome taps before he even finishes the hold.
Advance Auto Parts presents "This Week in WCW Motorsports!" "Highlights"
from the Monster Truck PPV - Goldberg (the truck) won it all.
Local spot for UPN 44's airing of "WWF SmackDown!"
Slamboree ad #4
More chaos from the New Blood dressing room - Russo makes as Princess Leia
as he tells Obi-Wan Steiner that he's their only hope. Steiner says he
won't do it for them - but he'll do it for himself.
no, two ladies) v. ? - By popular
request, I translate Steiner into English: "Cut my music! You know for
weeks now, I've been watching this old, over the hill has been come out
here and talk about his spot in wrestling. And every time I've seen him,
it's made me puke...yellow and red! Now, Hulk Hogan, you know damn well
I'm talkin' about you, and I'm saying tonight, your spot in wrestling is in
this ring, gettin' your ass kicked by me! And MY spot is provin' to you
that is-- I am now the man in wrestling...and after I make a believer outta
you, me and my freaks are going to go to your house, and I am going to
prove it to your woman, until she calls me the Big Bad Booty Daddy. So
Hulk Hogan, get your ass out here ... right now!" YOU KNOW WHO comes out -
I believe this is another one of those pay-per-view matches they shouldn't
be giving away, but what do *I* know about this business? Nothin'. Let Us
Take You Back To Nitro where the red stuff fell JUST before they got that
one wacko out of the ring. Hogan rushes the ring and Steiner pounds away.
Kick, kick, kick, right, right, right, whip, duck, Hogan with a right,
right, off the ropes with a clothesline, another clothesline, Steiner to
the outside - is Hogan having trouble just WALKING? Outside HE goes - head
to the barricade, now over the barricade - huh, HUGH MORRUS is out in the
crowd for no reason and HE'S punching away on Steiner. This is the SECOND
time Tony has said that Bischoff fired Morrus, but again, I only saw Chavo,
Hammer and LeRoux get fired - eh, screw it. I'm sure if it had mattered,
someone would have corrected him by now, right? Heenan says Hogan is lucky
Morrus was out there, or Hogan would have been in big trouble - but gosh,
it sure seemed to me like Hogan was in command. Anyway, all three men are
back in the ring. Morrus and Hogan taking turns wailing away on Steiner.
Double Golota for Steiner, and he's turning it around - double clothesline!
Steiner calling to the back - yeah, didn't Russo say they had his back?
Well, nobody's showing up - that must be the rule: run-ins EXCEPT when
they're asked for. Hogan with a right, right, Morrus with a shot, into the
ropes, Hogan big boot, Morrus running lariat, Steiner rolls outside.
Steiner says something that gets muted and we cut to the crowd just to keep
us from reading his lips. Looks like Steiner's gonna take off. I guess
somebody in here decided to count to ten, but I missed
it. (COR? 2:43?)
Hogan tells the camera that Morrus could beat Steiner by himself - wow,
Hogan finally putting someone over! HA!
Back to the New Blood dressing room, where Bischoff is on the phone. "Get
here - get here now - you know how to get here, you're not that far away -
I want you here as quick as you can get here." Steiner has Russo by the
neck - Bischoff over to try to call him down - Steiner gets muted
frequently, but a "bullshit" sneaks by, probably because the guy doing the
muting can't speak Steiner's language and didn't hear it. Bischoff decides
to evict the cameraman from their locker room.
Jimmy Barron phones it in - only, since he didn't record a voiceover this
week, Tony provides one in real time - unfortunately, he ALSO says some
extra stuff ("dude") when he didn't realise his mic was hot - what a bush
league production this is...
Here's another limousine arriving. But it's got an "F.U.N.B." license
plate! How confusing! WHO can it be?
DOUGLAS v. KRONYKK with New York Rules
- quite a few of you wrote to tell me that Douglas' music starts with a
Deep Purple riff - thanks. Tony helpfully tells us that this isn't
wrestling any more - it's sports entertainment. That must be why I don't
feel the need to provide any play-by-play. Of course, shouldn't I be
entertained right now, then? Just added to Slamboree, Hennig vs. Stasiak
and Steiner vs. Morrus for the US title. Saaaaaay...do either of THOSE
matches make you want to spend money this Sunday? Let's pick it up from
the Buff Blockbuster on Clark - Douglas over to count - 1, 2, Adams grabs
the arm and prevents that third count and it's back on. Bagwell dumps
Clark over the top and axehandles Adams. Douglas has the title belt - into
the ropes, duck, double clothesline by Adams. Clark throws out Bagwell,
Douglas is going to go down to the double uranage - sorry, the "High
Times." Clark counts the pin - 1, 2, 3. (4:10) Kronic grab the
belts...but are they the champions? Hey, would learning the answer be
worth plunking down for WesternUnionSlamboree this Sunday?
Back in the dressing room, Eric Bischoff addresses the troops with a pep
talk, and asks the guys to trust him. "This is a war - but this is OUR
Promotional consideration paid for by Boston Market TV dinners, Lean
Pockets from Hot Pockets, Motel 6 7/8, Targon mouthwash, Boston Market a
THIRD time, and WCW Battle Arms - power to the people!
Slamboree ad #5
See the superstars of WCW while you can! Sunday at Kansas City for
Slamboree! Tix on sale tomorrow for Atlanta (Nitro), Friday for Little
Rock, Boise (Thunder), and Saturday for SLC (Nitro)
Another look at that limo - and behind THAT, a BUS is arriving! Could it
be the DX Express? And who's in the limo already?
The New Blood is armed with bats, hammers, pipes, crowbars, and red
slippers - and they're WALKING!
The "Theme from NWO Nitro" plays and out comes CRACKA EAZY-E - this time
it's HIS turn to lead out the NEW BLOOD
ORDER - Russo is noticably agitated
for purposes of the storyline. "All right, cut the music! This isn't a
damn party. Vince, before I forget, you got Liz right where you want her?"
"She's locked away - we got her." "All right, it's real simple. Vince
Russo, while we may have a lot in common, the big difference between he and
I is he's a little bit of a hothead. He's an 'in your face' kinda guy. Me
on the other hand - I like to think things through. And I've been thinking
about everything that's been going down tonight. You know, Millionaire's
Club...we tried to do this the right way. We tried to be sportsmen. We
tried to create a level playing field. But that wasn't good enough for
you! So let me put it to ya like this. You guys want guerrila warfare? I
think that's a great idea--hey Millionaire's Club! Hey! Are ya back
there? Are ya listening? You guys want guerilla warfare - well you got
it! You got it!" Flair's music is up and out comes the
- AND FRIENDS. "Oh, Nature Boy's got a microphone
- maybe he's got
something to say! You're lookin' at it right here - you're lookin' at the
future, Nature Boy! There's eleven of us - there's eleven of you - how
'bout it? One team should walk outta here winners!" "Once again, you're
overthinkin' it, Bischoff - I'm lookin' at GREATNESS, woooo! I'm lookin'
at tradition! And we got nothin' left to prove tonight, but if you wanna
go one more time, here's the way it goes down - we'll come in there. Over
the top battle royal: the last man standing gets a shot at the World title
at the Great American Bash. Take it or leave it, brother! Hey Russo!
Russo! Russo! Suck 'em up, baby, suck 'em up." "Once again, I'll take
your bet and we'll beat you at your own game. Bring it on! Bring it on!"
And they advance.
- Russo grabs Tammy and they and Bischoff put some
distance between themselves and the ring. The guys with weapons seem to
have an advantage. The REFEREES
have suddenly appeared around the ring.
Flair and Douglas brawl on the outside, apparently having gone through the
ropes. With so many guys in the ring, how can they possibly fit in a
run-in? Two minutes gone by with nothing to report. Let's try to run down
the teams - for the New Blood: Wait, first let's record Mike Tenay
for posterity. "Logic? Word doesn't even exist in World Championship
Wrestling!" What was my favourite Russo quote? Eh...it'll come back to
me. Okay, the New Blood tonight are Wall, Kidman, Stasiak, Steiner,
Douglas, Bagwell, Awesome, Jarrett, Vampiro, Candido, and Cat. For the
other side, it's Flair, Hogan, Page, Sting, Package, Kronic, Hennig,
Morrus, Kanyon, and.... Horace. Make your own Horace joke here. Hey,
look, a fan jumped the rail! And now, out run TRIPPA B, KONNAN, DISCO
Heat music plays and
SMILEY - all the brothas travel in a
pack, you see. Horace is dumped out first by Bigelow at around
Crowd chants for Goldberg, and here's a switch - the audio doctoring
actually tries to COVER UP a Goldberg chant as opposed to encouraging it.
ARQUETTE come out to join the party. Flair
over Douglas on the outside with a 2x4 - now with a lead pipe. Are they
eliminated. Well, Kanyon is for sure, dumped out by Awesome
(5:54). That
overhead camera sure makes the ring look small, doesn't it? Man, I wish
something would happen here. There's just no room to do anything
interesting! Stasiak dumps out Hennig after getting a signal from Disco
Inferno (7:10). All
three men gone are "Millionaire's Club" members.
Steiner mouths off to the refs, 'cause he's uncontrollable. The
commentators SAY it's twenty on eight, but Disco and the Mamalukes are
beating on Douglas and Candido at the moment. Camera misses both members
of Kronic being eliminated. (8:20?) And now we take an
ad break.
It's 2:30 worth of ads later and apparently nobody was eliminated...I
guess. They would have told us, right? I don't know, I don't see the
Harrisses - I think they were both dumped just as we went to break. And
now someone else is dumped - ahh, it's Total Package - who gets back up on
the apron and pulls out Buff Bagwell. Sting and Vampiro are both brawling
on the outside - to the commentary table. I think they're out. Hugh
Morrus and Scott Steiner eliminate each other. I'm sensing a pattern.
Why's Kidman beating on Smiley? Aren't they on the same side? Sting
suplexing Vampiro on the stage. Now, the MISFITS IN ACTION are in the
- what, was there getting to be too much room in there? ASYA & MADUSA are
out as well - well, why the hell not. Tony keeps saying "Mona" for some
reason - maybe he caught a bit of Jim Ross disease. Okay, *there* is
look at Kash put the power moves on Hogan - there's a dream
match within a match, isn't it? Now the music of HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN plays
- you know, I was thinking that's JUST what this match needed. We can only
hope Meng is behind him. Apparently, while we watched Duggan walking, we
missed all the women eliminating themselves. That's not what *I* wanted to
see them do to themselves!! Er...anyway, Duggan sends out Bigelow,
Cat, and I think that 2x4 just might not be made of foam this time. Smiley
is gone - ABBOTT is gone. Duggan apparently eliminates himself to follow
after them. I don't see Big T or Stevie Ray - I don't see LeRoux, Guerrero
or Hammer, for that matter - come to think of it, I don't see Morrus,
either! Is Douglas trying to PANTS Flair? We look back to the limo - the
door opens and out comes...a pair of feet. Commentators: "Pan up! Pan
up!" - but they're not the director so we stare at the feet instead.
Whoever he is, he's WALKING! He's on ThunderVision - would it KILL them to
show us who it is? Apparently, so. Back in the ring, there's ...let's
see...ten men in the ring, I think. Wall, Stasiak, Kidman, Hogan, Page,
Jarrett, Candido, Awesome, Douglas, and Flair. We look at the feet
again....almost at the stage entrance. It's...RANDY SAVAGE. Everybody
gives us "shock" in the ring. Savage goes after the New Blood members with
all sorts of axehandles. Stasiak is out - Awesome is out - Wall is out -
Candido quickly out. Douglas tries to attack from behind, but no dice.
Savage goes out through the ropes to pour it on on Candido. Page
clotheslines Jarrett - and they both go out. We've got four left. Hogan
and Kidman pair up while Douglas and Flair work over each other. Hogan
punches away on Kidman while Douglas gets the better of
Flair. BRET
is here to put in HIS appearance. He's got a chair - WHACK for Hogan.
Hogan rolls out under the bottom rope. Hart takes off. I now see
EAZY-E outside the ring - don't know when *he*
showed up. In the ring,
Douglas is setting up Flair for a Hennigplex - we miss how Flair got out of
THAT but when we look back, Kidman is over and on Flair. Into the ropes,
reversed by Flair - Hogan pulls on the top rope and Kidman goes out! Flair
putting the figure four on Douglas! VIC VENOM is out with his
bat - but he
ended up conking *Douglas'* knee! Flair grabs the bat and swings at Russo
- who takes off out of the ring. Swing at Douglas - and he connects.
Douglas flies out to the floor and it's ovah! (22:37?) Hey you know at
least Savage and Hogan didn't go over the TOP rope...eh, screw it. Outside
the ring Hogan is setting up the STEEL steps for Kidman. Gotta love Flair
- he kept his shirt on the whole time! We take a long, loving look at
Russo - and almost miss Hogan suplexing Kidman through the commentary
table! Well, we DO miss Bischoff with a bat and Gillooly on Hogan -
apparently, Hogan took the brunt of that table fall. Bischoff counts a
three for Kidman (apparently - we don't see it but Tenay and Heenan fill us
in) - Savage raising Flair's arm in the ring. Jarrett and Page are on the
scaffolding - well, something apparently happens there but the crack
production staff misses it completely (yeah, I know WHY they missed it -
but still). Savage over to help out Hogan - apparently, his arm is
lacerated again. NOW we see Page, apparently gone through the stage -
Jarrett celebrating. So Savage is Flair's friend AND Hogan's friend
now...ohhhh - kay.
Miss anything? The rerun starts NOW!
Oh, and Flair has the title shot at the Great American Bash - so they've
already written off Slamboree, huh? I'm not a predicting kinda guy - but
since this is WCW, I think I can say without equivocation that your SURE
WINNER of the triple cage match at Slamboree can only be...
...David Arquette.
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