[burn] wrestling
[burn] write
Write?  Wrong! 7.3.2K
.......... Call for help - weeknights at 1900 on ZDTV

If your dream is to have your writing featured on a second-rate Website ... go bother CRZ.

Look, I really don't intend on taking this thing seriously, but if you've got a grudge against CRZ or the effable [slash], maybe I'd put your thoughts on the matter up here.

Then again, maybe I'll never update this site again.   Like I said, this is just a joke, and maybe just the mere existence of the first three pages of this site have already squeezed every laugh I'll ever hope to get out of it. 

If you seriously have a CRZ-related chip to get off your shoulder, you'll be able to figure out my e-mail address somehow.  You shouldn't have found your way to this site if you didn't already follow my work somewhere else, so go to that other place and find my e-mail.  I can't be bothered to post it here.

Just remember, while this is supposed to be a relatively free-form, off-the-top-of-your-head, don't-bother-to-put-much-thought-in forum, I will have to block out any potentially libelous comments.  Sorry, but Rantsylvania proper still isn't making me enough money to ride out a lawsuit.  But that still leaves you all with plenty of material - you just have to be creative.

What do you get in exchange?  Damned if I know.   The market for intelligent wrestling discussion seems to be dead, so maybe the crass will inherit the earth.  And hey, I'M GOOD ENOUGH TO MAKE MONEY AT THIS INTERNET WRESTLING THING (unlike some other columnists who I could mention), so getting posted on one of my sites does bring a certain level of fame and/or satisfaction.  Or maybe it doesn't.  All I know is that I'm about to fall asleep and somehow I can't keep my fingers from hitting the keys for ten more seconds.

And if you want to write intelligently about a non-CRZ topic, please send your submission to rantcrew@rantsylvania.com.   Unless your name is John Catsiroumpas, in which case you can kindly fuck off.

  Water Mane  

copyright (C) 2000 Sean Shannon & Citizens Against Nytol